Hi Dears,
I Had password locked Issue with windows server 2019 my Win is licensed but after installing all windows updates I faced account locked issue and can't login to windows server by "Administrator Account"
I reset the "Administrator" password and reopen the server then after a while...
Hi Dears,
I want to upload ISO file to my Avaya IPO to for upgrade, but I cant even from web page its just hanging and from Message I get "too large for flash" message . Your support please
Hi Dears,
How can I export MAC address for SIP phones from IP office. when I open System status only H.323 phones MAC appears bur no MAC for SIP phones. please your help
Hi Arnaud999,
I'm working on Workplace too and I had many issues at beginning but most issues solved after using Autogenerated 46xxsetting file. So try that it might help you. also make sure from the routing in IP Route settings.
Hi Dears,
I have Avaya 1120E SIP phone connected to IPO SE I can't make outgoing calls from 1120E phone to any other phone but can receive calls normally note that this issue happened with all 1120E SIP phones only. Anyone can help with such issue?
Hi Guys,
I have a problem with Avaya vantage K175&K155 running Workplace, when I login keep getting wrong password error and I'm sure the password is correct. While I can login normally with same user and password on Workplace using smartphone.
The issue solved, There was a problem with http server so the phone can't take configuration file, after solving http issue the contacts works normally
Hi George74
Actually it's the worst device i have, however I installed IX workplace on Vantage K175 and K155 and its working fine till know but "VOIP services limited" message keep showing and i don't know also contacts can be seen during search only. I don't know how to solve these issues
Hello Guys,
I have 9620L SIP phones registered to SM its working fine but i cant search for any name or number, I get this message "Limited search results available" during the search. anyone encountered same issue before
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