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Recent content by micang

  1. micang

    Flat File Connection Manager

    Hi, Take a look at this Loop through Flat Files in SQL Server Integration Services. This should lead you in the correct direction. Thanks
  2. micang

    Filtering Text File by Date that is formatted YYYYMMDD to import into Sql Server table

    Hi, You can use the 'isdate' function to check for valid dates See if code below helps: DECLARE @DateTable TABLE ( DateValue char(8) ) insert into @DateTable(DateValue) select '20170101' union select '2017101' union select '20170201' union select '20170231' union select '20170101'...
  3. micang

    Flat File carriage Rerturn

    Hi, Is there only a single carriage return per "line"? I have used the replace before to clean a line break in sql (characters 10 and 13). select replace(replace([ColumnName],char(10),''),char(13),'') as ColumnNameCleaned from TableName Not sure if this will assist you. Thanks Michael
  4. micang

    Truncate if possible

    Glad you got a solution. Thank you for the star. Michael
  5. micang

    Truncate if possible

    Hi, You can put the data into staging tables then in file one you can take the right 7 characters to match to file 2: Select right(columnName,7) from tableName Thanks Michael
  6. micang

    Reading .csv file

    Does your csv have " (double apostrophe) around the fields? If so, set your text qualifier to " (double apostrophe) for your flat file source. Thanks Michael
  7. micang

    Exporting to Excel Need to Delete top header line

    Hi, This code should do it as per combos first suggestion: DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet TransferType:=acExport, SpreadsheetType:=acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, TableName:="Query1", FileName:="C:\test\template.xls", Range:="exportRange" Dim XL As Object Set XL =...
  8. micang

    SQL 2008 Stored Procedure Date Format

    Try: EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[TotalSalesThisMonth_Won] @startdate = '2016-07-13', @enddate = '2016-07-13'
  9. micang

    Text Qualifier not working

    Glad you got it working - as an after thought, was the successful import the same file or a different file? Wondering if it could have been a specific data issue to cause the failure.
  10. micang

    Text Qualifier not working

    What error message do you get?
  11. micang

    Updating SQL table with 3 seperate csv files

    Hi, The way I would do this is I would import the data into a staging table - this table has no constraints etc - i.e. the data gets imported 'as is'. I would then have a separate 'Execute SQL Task' in the package to identify the valid records and insert then insert these valid records into the...
  12. micang

    Updating SQL table with 3 seperate csv files

    Another option if you don't want to use the Foreach Loop Container is you could have 3 separate Data Flow Tasks in one package - 1 for each file. Thanks Michael
  13. micang

    Updating SQL table with 3 seperate csv files

    Is this something that needs to run on a regular basis or a once off? In SSIS using the Foreach Loop Container is what can be used to process multiple files. It allows you to grab a file, do something with it, then grab another file and do something with it etc etc. If you read up on Foreach...
  14. micang

    Updating SQL table with 3 seperate csv files

    Hi, Take a look at this link below - this should get you started on the correct path: Link Thanks Michael
  15. micang

    Cannot get Job to run in SSMS 2008

    Are you developing on the server itself? Is "D:\Paragon import files\Testing\Todaysfile.csv" the location of the file on the server or is it somewhere else on your network? Thanks Michael

Part and Inventory Search
