thanks for the reply, I was just looking into that page before you posted it.
I cant find anywhere on the web to enter product names and get the UPC codes? It may not exist?
Hello all,
Please can anyone help me with designing a database schema that I am having some difficulties with?
What I have is a load of products that are offered by different shops, like a price comparison website. What I have at present is one table with a row for each product with the...
Thank you very much that is great.
I have changed it slightly to also give a time range:
select sum(event_price)
from (
select event_price
, row_number ()
over (partition by msisdn
order by created_t) rn
from ouk_revenue_loss_t
where created_t > 1105605720
I need some help please on building an SQL query. Bear with me as I attempt to explain below:
We have users attempting a purchase of a product, if they fail due to insufficient credit an entry is input in a DB table call rev_loss.
Here is an example of a row in the table:
created_t =...
Thanks guys, (lol @ spamlys comment ;) )FYI :
There is a known issue on Sun Fire 3800/4800/4810/6800, V1280, and Netra 1280 Domains where the time jumps usually by one hour.
The problem is desbribed in Sun Alert 56680, which is available at...
Just an update for anyone interested.
Having contacted SUN, this was known to be a known fault with this hardware. A script was provided and applied successfully.
The problem seems to take effect if the system controller has not been rebooted for 528 days
Thanks to all involved for the...
Just an update, /etc/inet/ntp.conf has been updated to point to different NTP servers also the drift reference in ntp.conf has been uncommented and a ntp.drift file has been created so that if connection is lost to the NTP server then time can be kept through this file.
We are presently...
Please find below some messages from /var/adm/messages. Are these normal? I have done a quick bit of research but do not have the experience of you guys to tell if this could cause system time changes?
Once again thanks for your time on this, I only support the appication on this server and...
We have the following in roots crontab: (could rtc be causing a problem?? - its not present in /usr/sbin/):
#ident "@(#)root 1.20 01/11/06 SMI"
# The root crontab should be used to perform accounting data collection.
# The rtc command is run to adjust the real time clock if and...
thanks again for all the replies - daFranze and spamly.
We have the other teams involved in supporting the ntp servers looking into this. No luck so far unfortunately.
thanks, looking into this now.
(The workstation time is OK).
We noticed the problem as we have log file rotations running from logadm. This runs from root crontab at 03:10 every morning. Unfortunately the rotations have been failing and we believe this is related, even though the system time...
thanks for the reply.
The output is shown below:
pin:/var/portal/6.5/cm> ps -ef | grep ntp
root 579 1 0 Jul 23 ? 0:01 /usr/lib/inet/xntpd
could it be this xntpd?
Hi all,
Please can someone help, can anyone explain why the following might suddenly be happening on our Solaris box?:
Thu Jan 6 11:59:52 GMT 2005
pin:/export/home/pin> date
Thu Jan 6 11:59:54 GMT 2005
pin:/export/home/pin> date
Thu Jan 6 10:59:56 GMT 2005
pin:/export/home/pin> date
Thu Jan...
Hi Glenn,
Each product could have a value of say Name^Name Number and the number can be either 300, 250, 150, 500 for example.
The number relates to pence I want to get the cost of each product (in pounds) if it has a number attached to the description so I can then total up that column.
Hi all,
Please can someone help me or point me in the right direction?
I have an excel sheet with example colum shown below:
Ring^Standard 300
Image^Colour 150
Game^New 250
I need to create a formula which populates the cell next to it with the cost value (300 = 3 pounds, 150 = 1.50 ...)
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