Thanks for all your advice. What I believe is the RSD drive is dirty. I took canned air and cleaned the drive. I remounted the RSD disk and now all is working. I may have to replaced the RSD drive. Thanks again.........
The 4 RSD's have the same issue. Write protect is off. I attempted cat del *.admin.ds25OCT11 and it deletes files from cat. When I file del *.admin.ds25OCT11, I get Cat not empty. I attempted to file create again and get the same response Device privilege violatio. Do I need to get more RSD's...
I have 4 RSD's and all have the same issue. The write protect is off on all 4 RSD's with only a two or three files each. I only have trouble with the ADMIN side and the GUEST side is working. I deleted some files and I still cannot file create. perplexed.
After I mount the RSD and CAT INFO *.ADMIN all is good. When try to File CR *.ADMIN12MAR14 CAT, I get Device privilege violation. I can data save to hard drive but cannot data save to RSD because I cannot create a file. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
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