Aha!! NOW I understand what you were saying in your first post, and how to use your example, and it works.
Sub testmultipleforms()
Dim frmJob1 As frmJobs
Dim frmJob2 As frmJobs
Set frmJob1 = New frmJobs
Set frmJob2 = New frmJobs
@Andrzejek, @Combo
Sadly these solutions are not applicable, because I still have the problem that a userform dynamically generated does not include the QuesryClose or Terminate events. This is why I need an alternative way to for the class shell to determine when the form is closed.
Hello, I’m looking for some ideas (no source code yet)
I have a user form which I have thoroughly tested, it functions well, and I use it often. Now I want to create multiple instances of the same user form to analyze different sets of data side by side, simultaneously. The form is very...
I am looking for a way to 'End' all code execution for a single excel workbook only, regardless of excel version, without stoping execution of code from other workbooks / add-ins. The 'End' statement seems to stop execution of all code across all workbooks and add-ins. Any ideas?
I am the administrator for an access database at our production facility and have developed a complex excel add-in to act as the user interface (I really don't like Access forms VBA!). I want to test how the program will handle corrupted fields in the backend data and possibly develop a tool to...
I have a multiselect listbox in an excel userform. Initially there are no items selected in the listbox. When the user selects an item in the list box for the first time it selects both the item the user selected AND the very first item in index 0. It only does this the very first time the...
combo ...that's awesome news! I was unaware that it will work as long as the VBA project is password protected. That's really good news! I must find a guinea pig ASAP to test this out.
What about conflicting reference libraries? The DTPicker control at work uses a mscomct2.ocx library that...
It does, but sometimes the user licensing does not allow it to be used. I can't tell you why, all I can tell you is that I have seen instances where people using using 2003, and 2007 were unable to use applications with the common control reference library due to licensing issues.
That would certainly be an easier solution, however this application must be able to run on any version of excel from 2003 forward, regardless of the user's licensing. I certainly like the listview much more but I have found it to be unreliable in terms of universal compatibility...
That works perfectly, thanks! Here is my final solution:
In the User Form
Private Sub lstField1_MouseUp(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
Call AdjustListFilterBackground(ListBox:=lstField1, ExceptionIDs:=Array(0, -1)...
That's a great thought, but unfortunately when a listbox control is switched to MultiSelect the _Click() and _AfterUpdate() events no longer function when a user clicks on the list box. Instead you must use the _Change() event.
The mouse event was a great idea, and it...
The HasItemsSelected function is well tested and works perfectly. It is a function that I have adapted to use throughout numerous programming projects. But, just to make sure, I stepped through the function as you suggested and found no issues. When a any option is selected in the...
I have a userform with a multiselect listbox used for search and filter options. When the user selects a value in the list box I want it to highlight light green to indicate to the user that a filter is in place. However for a multiselect listbox it will not change the backcolor - at...
I'm making a user log-in form in excel that interfaces with a background database. I would like the form to signal when capslock is on and off. I have figured out how to test if it is on, but I cannot figure out how to detect when it is changed by the user. I tried inserting some code...
I noticed I never added the solution for this problem. I solved it by doing the reverse of what I originally wanted. Instead of using the splash screen to load the dashboard form and then hide itself, I used the dashboard form to load and then hide the splash form. The splash form was...
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