Never mind. Since I am no longer writing to the text file I needed to add a vbCr for a carriage return. Now it looks and works perfectly.
BS/Computer Science
Ok so I used this function but now the data that is sent in the email is not correct. How do I get the data to send in the strBody correctly?
BS/Computer Science
One more question. In order to send the results in an email would I need to write to the text file and then read it to send it in an email? Or can I write directly to an email and send it?
BS/Computer Science
Perfect! Here is the code that I changed and it works like a charm. I'm sure there is a better/easier way to do it but this works.
Dim i, j, k
For i=0 to ubound(SVRArray,1)
For j=0 to ubound(SQLArray,1)
objFile.WriteLine fixStrLen(SVRArray(i), 32) & fixStrLen(SQLArray(j,k), 10)
It isn't much different than before.
Dim objConn, objrs, resultSet, SQLStmt
Dim objFSO, objFile
'Database Connection String
Set objConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set objrs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
objConn.Open "Driver={SQL Server};" & _...
Now the script is executing but it isn't writing anything to the text file. The text file now looks like this.
Observe Server Free Space
BS/Computer Science
This part of my code isn't working correctly. I get subscript out of range. How do I loop through both arrays in order to write the data to my text file? Below is how I thought it would work but it is not.
Dim i, j
For i=0 to ubound(SVRArray,1)
For j=0 to ubound(SQLArray,1)...
That is good information Geates but my biggest problem is getting the data from both arrays on the same line with the correct data. I'm having a hard time figuring this out and it should be simple.
BS/Computer Science
I believe I've gotten most of the code but I cannot figure out a way to get my text file formatted the way I would like it. Below is what I want my text file to look like.
Server Name Free Space
server1 24%
server2 34%
server3 87%
server4 73%
server5 75%
Here is my code so...
Just a follow up. The problem is that Autosys looks at the home directory of the account/profile you specify. So you have to put in absolute paths for everything in the ksh script and the .sql file. (Any where there is a file defined you have to use an absolute path)
BS/Computer Science
I have the script below which works via command line. When ran using Autosys it fails with the Autosys log saying "cannot open dialer_extract.sql". All files are in the same directory unless otherwise noted in the script.
What am I doing wrong and how do I fix it?
NOTE: I also tried adding the...
One more question.
This line has "$0 but no ending " so does it need it?:
mailx -s "$0 "$result records loaded to TBL1,TBL2" $eMail
Also, how could I add an attachment to this?
BS/Computer Science
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