Hello Powershell Masters,
I have below script in VBscript, Would like to convert in PowerShell. Kindly help me in this…
option Explicit
const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 3
dim arrErrors(13) 'I wanted to check list of errors from my array condition
dim objFSO...
I have below hta script, to check the Services status on single system. My requirement is to run this on list of computers. i.e, The script should have a browse button to ask for a text file from local computer and accept to run on systems that are in the text file.
I used to do array in VBSCRIPT like below… I am not sure how I should do it in PowerShell… Can any help me out…?
dim arrErrors(12)
arrErrors(0) = "APP0"
arrErrors(1) = " APP1"
arrErrors(2) = " APP2"
arrErrors(3) = " APP3”
arrErrors(4) = "APP4"
arrErrors(5) = "APP5"
arrErrors(6) = "APP6"...
I used to do array in VBSCRIPT like below… I am not sure how I should do it in PowerShell… Can any help me out…?
dim arrErrors(12)
arrErrors(0) = "APP0"
arrErrors(1) = " APP1"
arrErrors(2) = " APP2"
arrErrors(3) = " APP3”
arrErrors(4) = "APP4"
arrErrors(5) = "APP5"
arrErrors(6) = "APP6"...
I have below vbscript.... when executed it will give all the applications that are in this class "SELECT * FROM Application".. What I wanted is a count of these application... I am looking for this script to have in vbscript or powrershell...
Count of Package Name in totall.. say if the app-v...
I have below vbscript.... when executed it will give all the applications that are in this class "SELECT * FROM Application".. What I wanted is a count of these application... I am looking for this script to have in vbscript or powrershell...
Count of Package Name in totall.. say if the app-v...
I have done small changes to get the last five days events only but the script not showing any results.... Can any one help me here... pls...
$servers = get-content “C:\list.txt”
$fromtime = (get-date).Adddays(-5)
get-eventlog -log Application -comp $servers | where...
I have below powershell script for windows events to query, trying to write this script to get the Compueter name, Event ID, Source and description info to excel.
Looking for help to finish this script. This script to run on list of computers also.
$servers = get-content “c:\list.txt”
I Have below script:-- looking for help to convert the output to excel format
$servers = get-content “c:\list.txt”
foreach ($server in $servers)
$command = “quser /server:” + $server
invoke-expression $command
when executed getting in below format the output.
Thanks to all...
again... Just wanted to drop a line to say "THANKS". This is such a great site. I'm so glad that it is around. Everyone has been extremely helpful. I don't know how often, if at all, that you archive the threads, but I always seem to find what I need in previous threads without...
Just tested the script.... Found working when i added below...
strToday = right("0" & datePart("m", date()), 2) & "/" & right("0" & datePart("d", date()), 2) & "/" & datePart("yyyy", date())
I have just tested on my first log against and found still not working.... Kindly help me....
the first posted log file (I have changed the Date to current and tested).
[10/31/2012 19:53:41:889 SWAP INF] {hap=CB2:app=Internet Explorer_b1 6.0.3790.3959:tid=22C0:usr=B9D327}
Elapsed time for...
I have collected the few error lines from different server and consolidated into coreapp.txt and running script for test the script, but not working..
Kindly help me in this..... Thanks.....
Thanks in advance ...
The log file always same as
[Current date and time with some text
some text
some text
Empty Line
Empty Line
Empty Line (some time three lines and some time two empty lines)
My criteria to catch the errors (from the array) on current date text only..
Like above provided log..
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