I am running Windows 10 and recently when I shutdown my computer, the blue screen appears with this message: "Task Host is stopping the shutdown (\microsoft\windows\applistbackup\backupnonmaintenance).
Can anyone help me. I searched the internet for information about what this is, but did not...
I am running Excel 2010 and have a sheet with a list of names, dates, and active columns. I am trying to make a formula that will tell me how long people have been active (i.e. 6mths, 8mts, 12mths, etc)
What I need the criteria to do is determine if people are active (column I) and how long it...
I have a form with a combobox, which looks at data from a query. The query gets the information from a table that has multiple activities listed for each entry (organization). When I select an organization in the form, it has multible listing of the same organization. Is there a way to make it...
Thanks dhookom for the advise. I am getting the following error screen when I run the form.
"The expression On Current you entered as the event property setting produced the follow error: Invalid outside procedure."
What am I doing wrong. I replaced the "rptYourReportNameHere" with the name of...
I work with Access 2007 and want to run a report by selecting a specific criteria. The database has a list of organizations and specific activities performed in those organizations. I have a report that produces a list of all the organizations and activities performed in each of them. What I...
Sorry for my messy explanation about what I needed and thank you, Pete, because the formula that you sent, does what I wanted it do. I very much appreciate your help.
I am running MS Excel 2003 (Windows) and need help with building a formula. I am a cell (H31) that in itself has a addition formula and need to build the following formula:
if h31 is less than 14 return 1
if h31 is greater than 13 and less that 17 return 2
if h31 is greater than 16 and less...
I am using Access 2007 and have built a number of reports based on quiries that I run on a weekly basis. Is there a way I can print all the reports at once rather than printing them individually?
I searched through similar questions other people have asked but could not make it work. I must be...
I am running Excel 2003 (win) and have a "Medication Schedule.xls". I would like to be able to select from a list of names in Column A and those names would come from the "Client List.xls" file, which has a long list of names. Is this possible?
If this is possible, I would like Column B, C...
I am running Excel 2003 (win) and need help with a nested IF formula. I will try to describe what I am trying to do:
If F8=8540 and O8="*" the result should be facilitator
If F8=8540 and O8=1 the result should be Co-facilitad
If niether of the above criteria is true, the cell should be blank...
I am running excel 2003 and need some help with embaded if formulas. Let me try to describe what I need.
Column E is a tropdown list of codes
Column H has the if formula
if column E is 8550 or 5486, = 3, if column E is 8510 or 8520 or 8540, etc. = 1
Please help.
I am using excel 2003 (win) and want to calculate how many workdays after due date a particular report is turned in. I am using NETWORKDAYS function but it gives me the wrong number of days. The following example illustrates my dilema:
=networkdays(a4,a5) where a4 equals 5/3/10 and a5 equals...
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