Hello Jason
Thanks for your reply.
Me.ShowPdf1 is an object which receives the file path and name. It is based on this article (http://www.beansoftware.com/ASP.NET-Tutorials/PDF-View-Custom-Control.aspx) to display pdf files.
I was also thinking about streaming, loading the file into memory...
Hello Everybody.
I got some problems with impersonation.
I have created a asp.net intranet site. The short of it is that the end user gets a grid displayed with pdf files. The pdf files are located on another sever behind locked security to which the enduser has no directly access.
When the...
already have
I have pointed the exec to ErrorLog.txt - that one stays empty.
When i check the logs i have access to, i could not find any entries in regards to that script. Its a bid long, thats why i havn't posted it.
That log is split up in a 'community' log and a customer specific log...
Hello JPadie
Thanks for your continues help.
I had it running for about 20 minutes from SSH - no problems and no errors where returned.
BlueHost reports back to me that the limits they have are as follows:
* Apache/Web (HTML/PHP/Downloads): With Dedicated IP: 12 Hours | Without: 10 Minutes...
not sure what you mean. This is running on a webhost (BlueHost). I don't have direct access to the their command line. I've tried php-cli -i, but that did not work either.
And what is a fubar'd? - Sorry, but I am realative new to PHP, I used to program in VFP.
hmm, I know the -i is supposed to give the php information. But when i put your code in a php and execute it, it hangs the browser and eventually (after maybe a minute or so) displays Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage.
Well, now I got a nother issue with the same code.
It runs fine - for about 5 minutes. I contacted the web-host, still waiting for an answer if they have a timeout set for user defined processes to run.
Does anyone have another thought on this?
Ok, I got it to work - Got this from :
$cmd = escapeshellcmd("php-cli ScriptToRun.php ".$Arg1." ".$Arg2);
if (substr(php_uname(), 0, 7) == "Windows"){
pclose(popen("start /B ". $cmd, "r"));
} else {
exec($cmd." > /dev/null &");
Thank you all for your help and pointing me in the...
well, that didn't work. here is what i have done:
exec(escapeshellcmd("php-cli ScriptToRun.php ".$Arg1." ".$Arg2." > execoutput.txt 2>&1 &"), $output);
the script (ScriptToRun.php) runs, but it still freezes the user web browser session untill the script completed.
Any thoughts on what I might...
thanks. I'll give that a try. On my initial research over the weekend for that command, it seems possible that exec() is turned off (i have that script on a web hosting site).
I'll post my results once I figure out how to use the command correctly.
Hello Everybody.
I have the following scenario:
Web-User initiates a php script via Java JSon. The script adds some data to table and returns to the website. However, after it returns control to the user, the php script needs to initiate a second php script, but without hanging up the user's...
I am relatively new to MySQL and have a behavior or structural question.
I am in the process of writing a php website with a MySQL db layer. Here is the scenario:
User enters some data which needs to start a routine based on the data entered and can run from just a view seconds to hours. This...
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