I can't get into our specifics on price but for our site but it probably was above 30%. Systems are based on the number of TN's. It can reside on PC or server we were told it really didn't matter and I take that to be correct.
If you call or e-mail Genesis they'll give you temporary password to check out the system. Its worth your time just to see it work. I'll give you an example I made over 1000 phone set changes for (NCOS) Network class of service (over a 1 week period/200 per day). In the software it took...
It is a lot quicker and much more efficient. My best estimate for a move or change is less than minute. We save a lot of time and money. We trained specific clerical staff to now perform moves adds and changes. I really can't say enough good things about it. The training was great and the...
A while back I put up a post on Genesis Systems MAC's package (GenSwitch) Well our site finally got the system and I have to say that it is very impressive. Although now I'm not doing any work with OTM at our site :((now moved back to network managing). I will say this the product does not do...
Just curious if anyone here has seen or tried the Genesis Systems "Genswitch" product for moves adds or changes. I have seen it and wanted to here anyone else's feedback on the product. It looks very simplistic and easy to use. I know that the company I work for is looking at it for cost...
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