I have found that if I delete one subroutine in the program that is working wrong, then DGELS gives the correct result. Even if I don't call this subroutine (which is a big code which I have inserted inside my code to call), the problem occurs. The thing is that I actually need to call this...
Hi. I don't know what is causing this. I have written two different codes, and I wanted to use a subroutine I wrote, in both codes. The thing is that this subroutine calls DGELS to do some computations. But in one code it works fine, and in the other gives a wrong result. I don't really know...
Hi. Is it possible that I get the segmentation fault if somebody else is using the same node as I am using? the cluster is having problems, so I think it is a possibility that somebody else is sharing some activity in a node with me.
Hi. The cluster where I work started to have problems after the old administrator who worked at it leave the job.
I am trying to figure out what is causing that when a job is submitted on multiple nodes, problems appear.
error: executing task of job 68 failed: execution daemon on host...
Hi. Thanks for your reply. When I run it locally I run on a 64 bit system (ryzen 7). Even though the cluster haven't allowed me to use fcheck-bounds, I could trace where the error was originated, it's quite weird. The error occurred when deallocating an array, but I still don't understand why...
Hi. I have this error which only occurs when I try to run my code in a cluster. In my desktop computer I run it in parallel without any problem.
[compute-0-2:76201] *** Process received signal ***
[compute-0-2:76201] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[compute-0-2:76201] Signal code: Address not...
Ok. I think I'm not doing things so correctly, and my level of understanding of the compilation procedure is just superficial (I know the compiler just translate my Fortran code to machine code, that's all it does for me). I'm not familiar with what you are saying about trees, but I understand...
Hi. Thank you again. I'm not familiar with the terminology you are using, sorry for that. I actually don't know what "running the build" means. I compile my code in a linux system using gfortran, basically I type at the command line something like "gfortran mycode.f90 -o mycompiledcode.x". You...
I am using a subroutine in a code I have written, which used modules. Something weird happens when I compile the code with the module that corresponds to this subroutine. Actually, the whole subroutine is called as a module (it is an open access subroutine). The thing is that, in order to...
Hi. I have this doubt. I have written a code that integrates by means of the composite Simpsons rule: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simpson%27s_rule#Composite_Simpson's_rule
As can be seen in the wikipedia article, the weights are distributed according to the point where we are evaluating the...
Hi. I have been measuring the scalability of some codes I have written in Fortran, and parallelized with MPI.
The thing is if I have been doing it properly (the code scales, however, I would expect it to scale a little bit more with the number of processors).
I am using an amd ryzen 7 1700 8...
Thanks a lot for your reply.
I have a few more questions. The first one is with respect to the assignment of real*8 g(mxpts) in my code. The question is if, written like that, everytime I call the subroutine it has to make the memory assignment for the array. My intuition is that, due that it...
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