I have the code below
where the "day" field is coded as digits and numbers, for example
Day Code
1 = 1
2 = 2
3 = 3
4 = 4
5 = 5
but after 5
it the code changes to a letter
6 = A
7 = B
and so on, if the user types a number I have no issues but if the user types a letter then I get "nan"...
After many tries and with all your help I finally have my webform working.
Now I have a new problem, how can I send an e-mail when somebody checks a box? or would that be a javascript issue?
Thank you emozley,
got it. that was going to be my next question. I appreciate the help. I now just have to figure out how am I going to build my table for this form.
thaks again
Hello, I am working on building a form that has 7 columns. 3 of those colums have static text and 4 have text that needs to be entered. how could I build a table for this form.
I forgot to mention that the static text uses about 55 rows. so my problem is that if I were to build a table...
Hello, I am working on a form that has 7 columns. 3 of those colums have static text and 4 have text that needs to be entered. how could I save all the data to ms access?
I am not sure if this is the right forum to ask this question. If is not I apologize.
Oh sorry forgot to answer the rest of the questions
yes, there will be more recorda added,
It would be ideal to display just one record at the time and a link to the next record.
the records are stored in an access db
the link that I sent is for the form the view is exactly as the form, it...
Let me show you the form. you can see it at http://daviesmolding.com/aqpc/daviesaqpc.htm
this the html version, that access made. My ASP version has the same fields and the same layout.
I really appreciate the help
ok I got it.
I am not too familiar with any of those languages, still learing asp though.
Following your advice,
I created an asp document that shows me all the data I need to see. everything looks good. I created it with Dream Weaver.
The problem now is that I can only see the first record...
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