Not sure what you mean by "decorative", but to put them only specific pages, you would need to set up master pages - use your pages palette. If you want anything for decorative than rounded or beveled edges, you'd need to draw them in Illustrator and place them in InDesign.
I'm using CS3 on a PC. I need to export table styles (columns, headers, rows, etc.) to CSS so that my developer doesn't need to recreate tables everytime I make them in InDesign. If this can't be done in CS3, what about in CS5? I figured out how to get the characeter and paragraph styles to...
I'm using CS3 on a PC.
I've opened a document that I worked on yesterday. My paragraph and character styles palette is completely blank. When I tried to copy styles over from another document that has the same type of styles, I get a message that the styles I'm trying to import are conficting...
Lyell--I must not be doing something correct in the appearance panel. When I use the flyout menu and add another stroke with a different size and color, I don't see anything.
I'm working on a logo. I need an oval and then another oval of a different color to be just outside of the 1st oval and then another oval outside of the other one. When I use the transform tool, I don't get the size quite right. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Suggestions?
I got it! Thank you SOOo much John (anotherhiggins). I think I didn't think it was working earlier because so many of my dots were red, but that just means that we are sooo off our targets. This will be a huge help.'re directions were very good, although I don't think I explained it quite right. Try this:
Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E Col F
Task Timeframe Budgt Start Budgt End Real Start RealEnd
RFA 7 days 10/15/08 10/22/08 10/16/08 10/29/08
I'd like...
I'm trying to set up conditional formatting to show buttons (dots) comparing dates.
Let's say I have a target goal date - 10/9/2009. The actual date of the occurence was 10/12/2009 (so we're off by 3 days.) I want to set up conditional formatting so that anything below or at the goal date...
--I'd scrap everything and do it with divs (header, navigation, main).--
I wish I knew what a div was...the instructor doesn't even want to go into them. It's very, very frustrating.
I'm taking a class in Dreamweaver CS3 and I'm building my first site using CSS and tables. (Forgive me if I'm awkward using the terms).
I've added a table with 4 rows, 1 column. I want to go to the last row and make it 100% so that it pushes the other 3 rows to the top. I'm insering images...
The company I work for created Styles for us to use in Word 2003. We've upgraded to 2007 and I can't figure out how to bring those styles into 2007 without having to recreate them. Any ideas?
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