And the cure was
Dim loaddata As New wsdl_estes.FullCommoditiesType
Dim comList As New List(Of wsdl_estes.FullCommodityType)
Dim com As wsdl_estes.FullCommodityType
'1St commodity
com = New wsdl_estes.FullCommodityType()
com.class = 60
com.description = ("Used Books")...
I'm trying to get away from stringbuilder SOAP requests and converting to using a WSDL document. Really trying to learn :)
I'm using a WSDL located at: WSDL
I'm making a rate request for freight. I have 2 commodity loads as follow
commoditiy #1
.class = 60
.weight = ("560")...
I have two tables
tbl1 = members M
tbl2 = contributions C
want to select m.lastname. m.lastname from members M where they haven't made a contribution (c.contribdate) in the last 16 months, so that date would be since
2/01/2017 or...
Running VS 2015 free version.
Just downloaded a sample file and I've noticed it the class file (.vb) it exposes all the procedures and functions below the class (see image in pink).
Can't seem to find out how to turn that feature on. Any Ideas
Have some jscript i'm trying to tweak but I'm not succeeding. Pbly because I rarely use it
I have a var declare
var btype = $("input[name=btype]:checked").val();
I also have an input field that's passed in on a submit button
<input type="radio" name="btype" id="code39" value="code39"...
Hi I have two tables
Tbl1 Name = Memos
Memo (text)
MemoID (Int)
Tb22 Name members
lastname (nvarchar(50))
firstname (nvarchar(50))
oldindx (int)
indx (int)
I want to update/set TB1.memoID = Tbl2.indx
BTW TBL1.memoid = tbl2.oldindx
I'd be happy if the selected row remained in view although I would prefer at top.
I'm so used to doing it easily with the datagridview in a form. The datagrid is a different story HA.
OK I'll give the paging a while and look into the Jquery.
Thank you
I have a gridview with 168 rows. When I select a row I want that row to highlight (which it is ) but I also want it to become the top row in the gridview or at least postback to the selected row.
I've had the page directive set to "MaintainScrollPositionOnPostback ="true" "
Focus() - ing it...
Solved it by creating separate classes that I can import and reference
Imports rate_abfs.get_rates
blah blah blah
threadsDIC(variableName & i.ToString()) = New Thread(AddressOf rate_abfs.get_rates)
Try something like this.
Grab you form data (the email address they send you) and stic it in the msg.body
Dim emailrecipient As String = ("")
Dim smptclient As SmtpClient = New SmtpClient()
Dim mmsg As MailMessage = New MailMessage()...
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