thanx for your great help, i finally manage to do what i want.
first of all, as u said, i remove all summaries related to formulas that use {@mysharedvar}
After that, i create lot of formulas in order to do a running total manually.
I think there was a null or 0 value somewhere but...
---The initializing formula belongs in detail_a, with the ----subreport in detail_b. Is that what you did?
yes it s what i did
And I have summary on formula in each footer,
summary on bill_amount and summary on taxes
the formula in which i want to insert the {@mysharedvar}
is part of a...
i insert a new section below section a that become section b
i place the initializing formula in it.
it always says the same :
a summary was specified on fields not periodical(non-recursive)
here an example :
owner_name bill_amount numberofbill taxes
john 1000 2 100
john 3000 2 900
alice 1500 1 300
john has 2 bill so i want that taxes become 100-70/2=65...
sorry for the misunderstanding;
i ll try to be as clear as possible.
yes the formula don't work everytime i use {@MySharedVar} in it. i got this error message :
"a summary was specified on fields not periodical(non-recursive)"
It s not possible that the value can be null. it at least 1...
every formula work fine separatly,
but it 's some kind of summarizing
i have this display correctly:
name1 amount1 MySharedVar taxes1
name2 amount2 MySharedVar taxes2
AgencyName totalAmount totalTaxes
i dont care about totaling MySharedVar but as i want...
here's my big problem that i cannot manage to solve myself :
I m listing some bills and i want to get for each bills the count of bills that are related to the same person.
after that i want to do a mathemathic operation with the amount of the bill and the value that i get with the count...
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