Here you go - thanks in advance. curious what doing wrong.
Hi Skip, the version of Excel I am using has Unique function but the formula returns 0 (zero). I have tried what you used for the ID and Title and I tried a range E2:E20. Nothing works.
I also get an error that says using "=" or "-" is for formula.... so close - I have the table formulas...
Thank you - I did not know how well I explained but yes normalizing makes sense but never had to do in Excel - worked with Access alot in past. I will let you know - again thank you
I am needing to get values between rows with same verbiage in title. Really need help as will have a lot of records to go through. Provided file. IT might help to move the Verbiage to another column
ID Title the Values under Title Status
Thanks in advance
Sub Transpose_my_cells()...
Do loop to find text in row and add verbiage in column based on value.
Hi and thanks in advance. I am looking for a way if a word is found in a row then a value under the row will be moved to a column
example and see attached.
If "Stock" is found in column B row and column C shows "Good"
I am getting an error:
Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '10/2007' to data type int.
a.[calyearmonth] = b.[calyearmonth] - 1
calyearmonth is a nvarchar and I need to get previous month in table b.
Do I need to covert calyearmonth somehow?
But, I also need to add the 4 digits year in the front: yyyymm
Declare @LastMonth varchar(2)
SET @LastMonth = right('00' + convert(varchar(2), Datepart(mm,getdate())-1), 2);
select @LastMonth
I have seen some information on not having exist
I just need to compare two columns
PrevMonth from EmpHist table and Currentmonth from Emp table and see what fields in Currentmonth from Emp table do not match or is null compared to PrevMonth column in EmpHist table...
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