This was done without specifing the "from left" value but using the snap-to-grid functionality. For finer granularity in smaller steps I reduced the grid spacing, that's up to you, of course. You also have several other tools others also mentioned already, like the layout toolbar.
You can...
Just to showcase what is possible:
1. The Report Designer screenshot:
2.The Report Preview Screenshot
3. PDF Output viewed at 400% zoom:
I don't see any problem. Do you?
The snap to grid function only works whn using the mouse to position objects, just like it works in the form designer.
That's not true. All left sides of bands are the same offset from the left page margin: The margin width you set, so put in the same "from left" number and the labels left...
Fine, SitesMasstec.
The HPOS values are the "from left" position. I don't see them matching for Emissao and Navio, for example.
So you haven't alligned these labels in the designer. Simple truth, simple effect. Of course you don't get aligned output, it's not even aligned in the design.
Neither SQL (Insert/Update/Delete) nor xBase (Replace, Append, Delete) do that. I wonder what you mean by updating tables.
I already mentioned ALTER TABLE, if you mean structural updates, but they are not the normal operation. And by the way, not even using transactions creates new/other files...
There's Sir Veillance hindering that. And working contracts. Legal stuff.
In short: There's no perfect safety, but there also isn't a perfect crime.
I'm very sure the outcome will either be the DBF is found in quarantine or Vince finds code that deletes the file, unintentionally, of course...
I don't know how good you are at user management, but you can clearly limit company users to not use system components, disable them to install any software or run any software uninstalled, too. The core thing to use is group policies restricting what users can do. I worked for a company only...
That's basically not the problem in a company environment, where users have limited permissions. Using computer management needs admin permissions.
You still have a point. The simple solution to avoid deleting files is not giving that permission to users, which obviously still depends on them...
Can you display the result of this query, please?
Select Cast(Expr as varchar(50)) as caption, hpos, vpos , Cast(fontface as varchar(50)) as font, fontsize, float, stretch From yourreport.frx Where ObjType=5
EinTerreaner - you have to know this. You'd not be stupid to set your share name as environment variable.
You'd need to be able to run process monitor and monitor which files a process accesses. You'd need to be able to write code listing shares. It's not a safe/secure way to protect files to...
A software can use UNC paths and those will not be seen by users, necessarily. So you create a share, name it, but don'T map it, then your software can use files without the user knowing about them.
You're right about that, but that would point out a user would need to have more knowledge about...
Surely possible. I guess EinTerraners questions are trying to understand, if users actually see a mapped drive and know where files can be found and then be manipulated. The question then is what's in for a user that wants to use the software to delete a dbf?
Business suites of Cybersecurity may or may not run serverside or local on all clients or both. Where files are quarantined thereofore is also depending on how their suite works. One thing is sure: Whoever is responsible for their cyber security should know more, get warning messages and have an...
My hypothesis would be Antivirus/Antimalware (perhaps running server side), putting files into quarantine and thus removing them from the file share.
It's essential with any file based db system to make data files an exception of such malware protection. Not only does it harm in terms of...
Another point is that by the service endpoint URL you use in your old code ( and by the documentation Paul pointed out this is a legacy API and the latest Places API has a starting point here:
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