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  • Congratulations Chriss Miller on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!

Recent content by Chris Miller

  1. Chris Miller

    Switching between forms in an application

    Message boxes are modal, they are the only form selectable when they are displayed, no matter from where they are started. That's the first simple fact. I wonder if you're mixing up things, as you talk of a salesinvoice scx and frx, that's two completely different things. a Report preview...
  2. Chris Miller

    Report with no Data Environment

    It's also not advisable to do this with a form, but for a report you've been told multiple times even in this thread and in the post I linked to - a report does only run at all with at least one record of one table. Data is driving the report, the detail band of a report prints once for each...
  3. Chris Miller

    Report with no Data Environment

    You could even have thousands of fields, there's no limit once you relate multiple tables and sacrifice one field of each for a relation, you can relate N tables for N*254 fields. Besides normalized data allows you to use mor than one workrea, more than one record per page, etc. I already...
  4. Chris Miller

    Polish characters in VFP,

    wOOdy, I have to try the effect of the FontCharset on controls, but when I start an editor with (for example) MODIFY COMMAND main.prg AS 1250 and have the Polish keyboard layout activated and still don't get the Polish letters from they keys that should give them, I still only see Martina's...
  5. Chris Miller

    Report with no Data Environment

    I agree with Scott, and it's not only data normalization. SitesMasstec, you're so deep and stuck in wrong software architecture that you have problems nobody else has. And that should make you change your ways, but you're not. I set you as ignored member with limited success, as this thread...
  6. Chris Miller

    How secure is MS SQL on the Internet vs behind firewall inside a LAN

    A post in a forum a user is subscribed to can trigger a mail informing about a new post. And in general, even without such a mechanism a new post in a forum is shown to the experts subscribed to it. In MSSQL the setup and adminstration, the design of a server computer with hardware, the...
  7. Chris Miller

    Polish characters in VFP,

    Displaying something is not the only problem, though. The input is driven by the system locale, no matter if you set other keyboards. Switching to POL 214 I got ³ (superscript 3) instead of ł, for example. But in Unicode aware applications like Notepad++ the keyboard layout worked, as the system...
  8. Chris Miller

    Timer doesn't trigger when run under Windows Task Scheduler

    Indeed, if you don't specify "start in", the default start directory is C:\Windows\System32, not the EXE directory. Dependency on EXE path should alsways be programmed by using SYS(16), or you set the start in directory for a scheduled task or in a shortcut link. But whenever a user double...
  9. Chris Miller

    Timer doesn't trigger when run under Windows Task Scheduler

    If you scheduled the task to system start before a user logs in and you start a form then this might trigger an error and stops, right away. Regarding the Enabled property, that can be set .T. in a timer class at design already, so it starts the first timer event Interval milliseconds after its...
  10. Chris Miller

    Timer doesn't trigger when run under Windows Task Scheduler

    How's Task scheduler configured? Usually task scheduler does not start an EXE immediately, but by a time schedule, and if that is set to full hours, the exe will start shortly after full hours. Or do you only use it to autostart your exe once at every Windows startup? It ma only start after a...
  11. Chris Miller

    Polish characters in VFP,

    Final thoughts: It's true that other applications (Unicode capable applications) allow using the polish keyboard layout and input with them without having the system locale set to Polish (Poland). What I take from this that Windows makes a differrence of input language and display language, the...
  12. Chris Miller

    Polish characters in VFP,

    ...breaking news... My final experience with this is, that neither setting CODEPAGE=1250 nor having a polish keyboard layout nor both at the same time was sufficient to get Polish letters displayed in the VFP9 IDE. Martina Jindrova has the major point, in the administrative tab of Windows...
  13. Chris Miller

    Polish characters in VFP,

    For testing I just installed the Polish language pack and keyboard layouts. (Still downloading) Using an English keyboard layout with codepage 1250 does not lead to polish letters, both have to match. Do you have a polish keyboard layout installed and set as current keyboard configuration? It...
  14. Chris Miller

    Polish characters in VFP,

    Specifically on that topic. I don't know why you would do that, if you mean the way to make use of holding down ALT while entering a unicode codepoint, that will result in unicode characters that don't at all match an ansi codepage, neither the wrong nor the right one. Googling Polish keyboard...
  15. Chris Miller

    Polish characters in VFP,

    For the final exe, besides the setting Martina Jindrova suggests, you have the already mentioned CODEPAGE=something in a config.fpw you can provide externally or embedded within the EXE, and you have all the different language/region resource DLLs in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft...

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