I want to give you a special shout out. I see that you are an instructor and you are no doubt well suited for that role because you stuck with me through thick and thin (or bloat).
I purchased a two TB external drive, as you suggested. It took a whole day for the computer to move the...
Re spamjom: "Buy a second 2TB drive for under $100 to attach internally or externally to this computer...then set up your Dropbox folder on that. Any other configuration with this much stored data on a single tiny drive is asking for trouble."
Very good points. Thank you!
Re: spamjim: "To understand the difference, you'd need to observe the output of WinDirStat before and after this action."
I have WinDirStat open on my computer, showing all the stats. Below is my first attempt at an action plan for following your advice, spamjim. Please correct this...
Re: spamjim: "You could have a Windows 10 installation/upgrade/update filling up space in the background."
Finally got around to checking this out. I went to Disk Cleanup for C.
No Temporary Backup Files were shown. A total 5.34 GB of disk space is available to free up. Most of that space is...
Thanks for the "Spyware Discussion" lead. I'll do that.
Great minds.... I installed MalwareBytes yesterday and will try it out today.
Overnight I ran Windows Defender Custom Scan for Drive C. No threats were found. This morning, I ran the Offline Scan, which, as advertised, took only about...
A quick update.
I've gone through most of the steps recommended in this thread. For example, I've installed WinDirStat and am viewing what appears to be a very well done YouTube tutorial video. I followed mikrom's four steps. Steps 3 and 4 don't appear to be an issue.
I realize now that...
Thanks for the suggestions. I will look into these resources.
Meanwhile, I'm wondering if anyone can explain why there are no changes in the used space showing on my C drive after I remove several gigabytes of files from my computer. Does it have anything to do with the fact that most of my...
I have the latest iteration of Windows 10 on my laptop computer. "Properties" for Local Disc C shows a capacity of 567 GB. The free space is just under one GB. Naturally, I want to reduce the amount of used space.
Most of my files are in my Dropbox account, synced to my laptop and other...
I have the latest iteration of Windows 10 on my laptop computer. "Properties" for Local Disc C shows a capacity of 567 GB. The free space is just under one GB. Naturally, I want to reduce the amount of used space.
Most of my files are in my Dropbox account, synced to my laptop and other...
In a Word 365 document on her Windows 10 desktop PC, My wife has placed a hyperlink to a website. When she clicks on the link, she gets the following message:
On the other hand, if she opens the link directly from Google Chrome, it works (i.e., there is no advisory message).
She has...
Right. A small box hidden somewhere deep in the bowels of the house, protected by a burglar alarm system, gun, two large dogs and an ill-tempered cat. Among the nasty things that might happen in my future, theft of that box seems low on the list.
Thanks everyone. This as been both educational...
Thanks, Chris.
Based on the conversation, I've crossed the refrigerator idea off my list. In fact,I just ordered a fireproof, water-proof, fart-proof security box from Amazon, along with some reusable desiccant packs. Now, of course, we'll go the next twenty years without fire or flood. I say...
I discovered that when I changed my search description from "fireproof safe" to "fireproof security box," I found products closer to what I'm looking for.
For example, SentrySafe Fire Safe, Waterproof Fire Resistant Chest, .17 Cubic Feet, Extra Small, H0100CG. At Amazon, among many places...
Re: "The locking feature is almost the most important feature of the entire safe."
Good point. I meant to say a combination lock. I'm not familiar with ammo boxes, not having served in the Army, but I assume they have latches that would suffice.
Opinions on that?
(This is a fascinating and...
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