Never mind... the function was fine, in my haste I tested with just
rptContractInvoiceLineTax (1000,10001,1)
instead of
select rptContractInvoiceLineTax(1000,10001,1)
I wish the first one had given me an error instead of the rowcounts.
I don't write a ton of functions, but this one has me stumped.
-- =============================================
alter FUNCTION rptContractInvoiceLineTax
@InvoiceLineAmount money,
@TaxAreaID smallint,
@TaxGroupID smallint
--set NOCOUNT off
If possible, I'd like to calculate the differences between every two rows (bold rows to be added):
9/2022 1000
9/2021 900
Variance 100
10/2022 1000
10/2021 1200
Variance (200)
I'm guessing I would use lead/lag and some kind of loop, but if anyone has something...
Dataset looks like this:
Account OrderDate
100 5/1/2020
100 5/5/2020
100 6/1/2020
200 6/1/2020
200 6/2/2020
200 6/7/2020
I need the first order only, plus the order date of the next order, and discard the other records:
I have a job scheduled via SQL Server Agent that has been running successfully every 15 minutes for many months. Today a user alerted me that the resulting data seemed stale, and when I looked in the job history the most recent instance was several hours ago. There was no stop date on the job...
I only need to see one department's data at a time, based on changing the department number on another worksheet. The filtered data is feeding a dashboard.
I have data in columns such as this:
Dept. Date Revenue
1000 2/1/2019 $1000
1000 2/2/2019 $2000
1000 2/3/2019 $3000
1001 2/1/2019 $4000
1001 2/2/2019 $5000
1001 2/3/2019 $6000
I need to be able to look up the department number and return all...
I didn't notice that the unwanted values started with 'O' instead of 0. This is incorrect, I was supplied bad data.
At least I know there was nothing wrong with my query syntax... thanks for the help.
Here is a sample of the results I'm getting with production data:
The first four records belong, the last three do not. Also, the first four appear to be duplicates but they are not - that patient had the procedure four different times. Thanks.
If you can import the attached sample data then this query should return records that don't belong:
from @v_procedures a inner join @v_coderanges b
on a.ProcedureCode >= b.CodeRangeStart
and a.ProcedureCode <=...
I have a table of surgical procedures:
Account [tab] ProcedureCode
999 [tab][tab][tab]X1235
And a table used to cross reference procedures to billing codes:
RangeStart [tab][tab][tab] RangeEnd
X1234 [tab][tab][tab] [tab][tab][tab] X1345
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