Hello ...
I have VMPro, Menu Option with Greeting Message and Voices, the customer want the customer to hear all Greeating message and choices then after end of this to enter the selection, I found this
Allow prompts to be interrupted by Tones If selected, the callers can press tone...
Hello ...
I have a Customer have CM6.0 with Elite call center, now we replaced it with Avaya IPOSE and ACCS.
with call center elite, the customer use the following link for CRM on Avaya one-x agent for Caller ID and its working...
Hello ,,,
I have IPOSE, with Expansion 500v2 have 2 PRI, also this solution have H.323 trunk with another IPO500v2 and this IPO have no trunk connected with it.
Can we dial out external unsing PRI line on the IPOSE ???
Hello ...
I have IPOSE build 18
have Secondary, and 4 Expansion 500v2 Expansion and All is working,
yesterday, I tried to add a new Expansion Server 500v2, using the same setting.
Unfortunately, the new expansion did not get the server edition license from expansion, the line...
Hello ...
I have ACCS 7.1.2, all is fine and working, all agents is cofigured using domain, we got this error when try to connect Avaya Agent Desktop
is this related to missing something configuration on ACCS server, i dont face this before, and on the same agent PC sometimes working...
Hello ...
I have IPOSE Primary , Secondary , Expansion L, All built in VMWare
- Primary &Secondary installed on Main Building
- Exapnsion L installed on another Bank Building
- K155 - V2/2.6 , K175 -V3/3.1.2- Connect and Expansion Module Working Fine when
configured on Main...
Hi ...
In ACCS, when configure screenpop, can we add the link per agent.
for example, customer give me link for each user, this working before on Elite and CMS
HTTP: .................. =Brian.Costa
Hi ..
On the Expansion L Branch, when connect the Vantage phone using the porxy server of the main IPOSE it's working fine, now the problem is found, it's when using branch IP as a proxy server, the problem is that all have the same file and setup.
Hello ...
The same case occur when connect K155 V2, Local connect with green Presense ( Available), Expansion Module with lable button working and search contact working.
but on remote site when connect it to Expansion L, working with limited function ( Presense Inactive / Label button empty...
Hi ...
I have IPOSE 11.1.3 with Expansion Server L, each in different location .
when connect K175 to Primary Server, working fine with labled buttons expansion module and search contact perferct.
when connect K175 to Expansion Server L using Primary IP address as file server, working well but...
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