Are you using 32 bit or 64 bit. If 64, then NO, Informix 7.x will not work with AIX version 5x. You will need to upgrade both AIX and Informix at same time.
Check time interval of checkpoint in onconfig file. May need to set differently depending on your system. Check size of logical log files. As stated above, they could be filling. Might need to increase the size or number. If you have the performance tuning manual, there are several things...
Can someone tell me where I can find some information on how to rename a volume group? I am trying to rename a volume group from appsvg to appsold. Any help in this would be greatly appreciated!!!
Here is a small script that we use
# Backup Informix Logical Logs to disk file
export PATH=
export TERMCAP=
export TERM=
export ONCONFIG=
7.31.FD2X2- the X means you have a patch put on the 7.31.FD2. I have never heard of 7.31.FD23. I can only assume that it is another patch of 7.31.FD2. To insure, call tech support!
Thanks Shriyan,
I appreciate your insight. I know all about going to primary keys instead of rowid, but right now we have several hundred apps that look at it this way. We will need a huge effort from apps to change this. It is going to be happening one of these days, but there is so much...
I have joined a company that has written all of their applications using rowid. Right now, all tables reside in single dbspaces. I want to fragment these tables by expression, but know that when this happens then rowid is thrown out. My question is, if tables are created in fragmented spaces...
Well, with onperf you can try to set your DISPLAY like
export DISPLAY
You will need an x-windows type enviroment. Telnet will not work. Are you doing this from system console or desktop?
Your question on monitoring performance every 10 minutes is rather vague. What...
I really appreciate all of the good info you have given.
One thing I want to point out is that the ssa drives are 9gig and the scsi drives are 18gig so I am not sure I can do as the second post suggests. Here is what I was thinking of though:
1. Create a new volume group, apps2vg on the...
Please forgive me, but I am not an AIX admin, even though my managers have given me a title. OH, for a little training.
Anyway. Here is my situation and questions. We have added some scsi drives to our system. Management wants to move one of our volume groups, appsvg, to one of these disks...
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