I am using Acrobat 7 and Publisher 2003. When I convert my publisher files to pdf the footers are lost.
However, when I print using distiller the footers show up. This isn't really a solution for me, as I have some images with transparent backgrounds or shadows that get altered in the pdf files...
When I create custom lists, I can add/delete columns, but when I go to change the name of a column or rearrange the orders of them, I receive a "Cannot complete action" error.
Anyone else have this problem?
I hope this hasn't already been covered (I did a search, but didn't see anything)
Anyway, I downloaded the WSS templates from Microsoft and begun the process of installing them.
I added the .stp files to the site template gallery, and they show up just fine. When I go to create a WSS site...
I'm kinda new to Sharepoint so bear with me. Hopefully someone can help.
I have set up my SPS 2003 and WSS. I have configured all the accounts correctly, and the indexing/search feature works great within SPS. However, when I create a WSS site and do a search from within that site, it yields no...
You might be able to achieve the effects you are looking for using the shear tool, located on the tool bar next to the reflect tool [keyboard shortcut - O]. It will skew/slant text around its pivot point (left, right, center alignment).
Hope this helps,
Since you say you have Acrobat, that would be the easiest way I can think to add multiple pages to a pdf.
Open one of the files in Acrobat. Then go to Document>Insert Pages. A dialog box will open asking you to select the .pdf file you want to add. After you select it, another dialog box will...
Depending on how many dust particles you get on the image, a simpler method might be to use the Rubber Stamp tool. This would produce a far better result in my opinion.
Select the tool (Keyboard Shortcut - S), then Alt-click somewhere in your picture that matches the image that is being...
A simple way to do this would be to convert everything to an editable mesh (depending on what version you have -- either Right-click on the object and you should have the option to Convert to editable mesh, or it will be under the modifier panel)
Once you have the object converted, you could...
It's funny that someone pointed out the MOMA workspheres site (http://www.moma.org/workspheres/). That one was an example on webpagesthatsuck.com for a very long time. I would have to agree with that assessment. There is no reason that a site like that needs to be done using Flash, or at least...
Actually, you can do both in Max. Up until version 4 the IK system (bones) in Max was very bad and difficult to work with. Now it is much easier and it works well. I am surprised the book you own doesn't cover this. I would recommend "3ds Max 4 In Depth" or "Inside 3ds Max"...
Here is the link to the tutorial on creating a hand using polygon modeling. This is from 3dcafe. This is a decent tutorial for those just starting out with Max modelling. Let me know if you need a better one.
AZ, you are right...
Personally, I believe that polygon modeling of a hand is the easiest method. It can give the basic hand shape fairly quickly. If you need a tutorial on this there is a good one at 3dcafe.com.
If you are looking to utilize patch modeling (I am assuming that you are using Surface tools, and not...
It is my understanding that you need sort of a patch to get this to work. I believe you can find it at discreet's website or maybe try max3d.com.
My brother had this same problem. I will double check with him to see how he fixed it and post the information tomorrow.
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