Is it possible to use the site A External audio port with a MOH player and can I tap that single source and allow Sites B & C to access it and play it to callers. I thought I read once that I can use an analog PHONE port on the other sites to provide the MOH source?
I have a 3 site SCN that I want to be able to play a single 5 min. long MOH file for all 3 sites whenever anyone places a caller on HOLD or PARK. Caller can hear the music from any period that the music is playing and not from the start each time placed on HOLD or PARK. I need to tap into the...
Just to follow up. I wanted to be able to play MOH that is longer than the 90 seconds allowed just using the SD card that is why I loaded the .WAV music on the UCM module. This MOH file is about 5 minutes long it is a promotional message for the company.
I was under the understanding that the...
I have a 9.1 system with a 9.1 VMP on a UCM drive.
I loaded the correct formatted MOH file
PCM, 8kHz 16-bit Mono
into this folder:
I named it HoldMusic.Wav
I set the Tone/Music to .WAV in Manager as the SYSTEM SOURCE then rebooted.
When I check the music all...
Thanks everyone. I got it working now.
One more questions, these additional selections can they all be played one after another as a single music source. So callers who are on hold for along time would hear each of these one after another or do I need to use an EXTERNAL ( CD/USB ) player or...
Thanks, I corrected that so it now says WAV: MOH-02.
Is my SOURCE name correct. I checked the HELP but it does not give details as to what should be listed in this field. I entered WAV I don't think that is correct.
Thank you both.
I know the files play because I swapped them and renamed them to HoldMusic.Wav, rebooted and then listened on hold and I can hear the recording has changed. Only the first file HoldMusic.Wav plays over and over and the rest of the files do not play.
Below is what I have for...
You could set up a GROUP or add a TAG or when I set up a door phone I use a loud Bell Gong and also use the Loud Ring tone on an amplified page controller like the Bogen to send the tone over page zones or page horns
I have been trying to set up additional MOH files to play along with the HoldMusic.Wav and I have tried to follow the instructions but no luck.
I have the HoldMusic.Wav file loaded into the Primary folder on the SD card as well as MOH-02, MOH-03, MOH-04.
All files are compliant with...
I havea 3 site SCN 9,1 and evertime I use the SCN Manager to make changes to all the sites the Manager closes all 3 and I have to sign in each time I save. If I open each site in it's own Manager page I can save without the Manager signing off.
Is there a way to use SCN and not have it sign...
I am having an strange issue with the IPO Version 9.0.
The Systems Events emails like reboots, trunks out of order and voice mail offline are sending just fine. However the VMP is no longer sending any voice mail to emails. They are both using the same exact SMTP server.
I have checked the...
I added
to the Source Numbers of User 140 then left a VM message for 144 but the MWI does not g o nor does the user show when I pres the Message Envelope button.
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