OK. Here it is:
Declare PtrSafe Function apiCopyFile Lib "KERNEL32" Alias "CopyFileA" _
(ByVal lpExistingFileName As String, _
ByVal lpNewFileName As String, _
ByVal bFailIfExists As Long) As Long
I did, but the web site did not open. However, I retried right now, and I could finally reach it.
"Declare Function...", should be replaced by
"Declare PtrSafe Function..."
It seems it will work, since the statement has been accepted without error.
I will run it, and let you know.
Thank you.
Declare Function apiCopyFile Lib "KERNEL32" Alias "CopyFileA" _
(ByVal lpExistingFileName As String, _
ByVal lpNewFileName As String, _
ByVal bFailIfExists As Long) As Long
I get the following compile error:
The code in this project...
Can any one help me with the following:
Declare Function apiCopyFile Lib "KERNEL32" Alias "CopyFileA" _
(ByVal lpExistingFileName As String, _
ByVal lpNewFileName As String, _
ByVal bFailIfExists As Long) As Long
I get the following...
Thank you for your answer Andy.
Yes, it works, but that's not exactly what I need.
I need, while typing a text, to type at any point of time, any letter, with a line above it (as if I was using an accent for example).
If I use your suggestion, I will have to use 26 shortcut keys, one for each...
I am trying to create a function in Word 365 to add a horizontal bar above a letter.
I used a record macro, and succeeded for the first attempt only.
The first time I use it, it works:
(it does'nt appear correctly here, but in word, the bar is just above the letter "A")
But if I try it...
You are quite right Andy.
I did not understand the exact way "with / end with" should be used.
It is clearer now. Thank you. By the way, I chose your first solution.
I did give combo a star, except that I forgot to confirm it... [surprise] Well, it's done now!
Here is the code as requested:
Private Sub PPT_Test_Click()
Dim objPresentation As PowerPoint.Presentation
Dim objSlide As PowerPoint.Slide
Dim strFileName As String
Dim i As...
It worked combo. Thank you very much.
Actually you made me realise also that I was using ActivePresentation instead of objPresentation.
Another mistake: I was using pptPres instead of objPresentation.
Once all the correction were made, it worked fine. Thank you again!
I am using Access vba to export all slides from a PowerPoint presentation, as jpg files, into a folder.
It does not work, because I am obviously making many syntax mistakes:
Private Sub pptTest()
Dim objPresentation As PowerPoint.Presentation
Dim objSlide As PowerPoint.Slide
Hi dhookom,
Here are all the steps:
1- Create a new Powerpoint presentation
2- Click the developer tab
a. If the developer tab does not appear:
i. File/Options/Customise Ribbon
ii. Enable the developer tab on the right hand side
3- In the developer tab, click the visual basic button
4- Add a...
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