Have you tried opening it through the web page? Has it worked or not? and try to open the system status from your PC, It may java not be installed on your PC
yes from the security side, and you can check that from your PC by cmd command (telnet <IP_IPO_server> 443) and (telnet <IP_IPO_server> 80) we will see if it opened or not
Hi All
I have a WFM system that can normally get data from the CMS server, but the volume number is incorrect when we compare it with the CMS report. Can anyone help?
hi all
Does anyone have an idea of the status of this IP Phone? there is nothing on the screen displayed just the indication is red, anyone faced this issue?
I facing this issue but it returns to work normally when I change the one x setting to the SIP and log in with the SIP user, the demo system did not support the H323 users as I know.
hi all
can anyone help with this? I have a 6908G H 323 IP Phone that can make calls to the internal extension while this IP Phone is in the logout status, can I know where is the problem?
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