I am unable to get multiple calls into an 8410D phone even though multiple lines are programmed on the phone. I find no Multiple call feature in the station's setup pages. Does or is "Multiple call handling" a feature/option that needs set?
Fix it right the first time if you can. It just...
Anyone have a lead on Onsite technical Support of the Mitel SX2000 in the Florida Pan handle area near Pensacola?
Fix it right the first time if you can. It just works better that way!
And that is technical documentation. I'll put that in the memory blocks.
The analog station is programed as
Type: 2500 on a TN746B V10 port COR FRL of 6 Loss group 1 Off Premise N
data restriction Y Line apperance = call-appr.
Just got the 1FB fixed and the Processor answers at 9600 baud...
Thanks And that takes me back to my original question. A 1FB works but an internal Analog lines does not. Only for two PBX's out of 58. The reason it is so important is that these two sites historically have bad OSP that does not belong to me. Trying to bypass this problem but the processor...
Historically no. In this case since changing the Processor. The POTs line is bad. Which I assumed took out the Processor modem. Which I replaced the processor.
Whose modem has not yet proven working. No it does not. I am assuming that a 1FB is == a Loop-Start POTS line.
Remote tech with...
Although I have no familiarity with the G430 Gateway. I have many times time run into this question. Part of the issue is the cost of the trunking.
SIP $25-$30 per trunk (unlimited CONUS) + the bandwidth need steady clean bandwidth of about 40k to 100k per call depending on CODEC used.
I am having difficulties setting up a USR Robotics modem to answer INADS calls on the "External Modem" setting of the systems maintenance page.
I have tried 2 different config. 1 - on "TERM"minal DB-25 connection, 2 "DCE" connection.
Terminal connection answers but does not communicate with...
the 500 setting sets the analog station to pulse for the outbound dial mode of the G3r TN1648/B System Maintenance circuit packs.
The TN790/B and TN2404 and others very well to Tone.
Yes it has me stumped. I was hoping for some peice of magical advice ..Like set you incoming dial mode to...
and yes the 1FB works good when it is working. Just so happens this problem started with what I thought was a bad Processor Modem at a site with a bad SAT terminal. While arranging for another processor and a SAT terminal the site underwent some sort of a power problem that left the switch in...
Just to mention my Bonafides...I manage over 56 Definity G3si/G3r for the last 16 years. The internal analog line connection was setup by me on over 30 of these and all but these two so far work great. For many years I polled these PBX daily with usr robotics modems collecting configuration...
Thanks Have tried all those including flipping tip and ring.
I even changed the PPN carrier on the first one. When t so far as to replace the entire control set Processor, netpkt intrfac translations tone clock and maint board.
Even changed the Ring Gen. I'm lost
My INADS line on a G3si does not answer and internal analog line. POTS line on this PBX is dead.
This is the second G3si that I have found this on. Can anyone tell me why?
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