Has anyone had a issue with a mismatch codepages when pulling data from a datasource? If yes, how do you go about fixing it since it's occurring on the data fetch.
I know there is a option in the section expert to suppress if blank but the issues I’m running into is that I also have code in that same section of showPage = N to suppress.
The problem seems to be that code is not hiding the blank subreport so I wasn’t sure if there was another way to...
What's the proper method to set the decimal of a field to be a specific length? Example is that I would want all to be 0 decimal place but a couple rows I would like it to expand to .00 decimal places.
bborissov, thanks that's what I was looking for.
Andrzejek, thanks for the info on the joins. I already have a printout of those joins and was struggling with only selecting after a initial select. :)
What would be the best process to union two tables together based on if Table A has data I would only pull data from Table B?
SELECT Column A, Column B, Column C FROM Table A
Select Column A, Column B, Column C FROM Table B
So in the end I need to union two tables but only pull data if...
I'm currently using Previous() to do a running counter since I'm hiding some rows based on a formula. What's the best way to start the counter if previous doesn't work on the 1st row since there is nothing for it to compare against? I can't used ISNULL().
Well i've restructured and have RF_a - F but I'm only using 1 Page Footer since using multiples seems to throw off my page formatting in the subreport.
I have:
3 Images are located in PF_A.
Image 1: needs to display with RF_B, C & D
Image 2: RF_E
Image 3: RF_F
Here's the suppression formula for the image.
Booleanvar flagE;
flagE = False//note no colon
I used what you stated to use for the Page Footer on the image. I have the false formula in the Report Header and in the Page footer B which is after Page Footer A where the...
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