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Setup a configurable Re-Index Solution

Maintaining Indexes

Setup a configurable Re-Index Solution

by  hmckillop  Posted    (Edited  )
This is going to be a long faq, but it should be worth it if you spend the time. This faq will display a potential method of maintaining your database indices to the precise level you require. It will allow for managing indices at a table level or at an individual index level,also re-indexing using indexdefrag or dbreindex depending on the requirements, and all of this on a series of relatively small tables.
We use this as our overall database index strategy across multiple databases.

Firstly we need to create the tables to hold the data.
Table1 is used to hold the list of indices you require to have non-default configuration. The re-indexing works on the understanding
that anything not in this table will be re-indexed when it meets the default conditions - shown later
use msdb

if exists (select * from msdb.dbo.sysobjects where name = 'Fragmented_Indexes_XConfig' and type = 'U')
	drop table dbo.Fragmented_Indexes_XConfig

create table msdb.dbo.Fragmented_Indexes_XConfig (
	DBName 		sysname 		NOT NULL,
	ObjectName 	varchar(255)	NOT NULL,
	IndexName 	varchar(255)	NOT NULL,			   
	NewFill 	tinyint			NULL,
	ScanDensity tinyint 		NULL)

alter table msdb.dbo.Fragmented_Indexes_XConfig
add constraint PK_XConfig primary key clustered
	(DBName, ObjectName, IndexName)
with fillfactor = 70

The second and third tables hold the results from the DBCC ShowContig and will be populated every time the job usp_Defrag_report is run.
-- Must get rid of any old v1 & 2 Fragmented_Indexes table
if object_id('msdb.dbo.Fragmented_Indexes') is not null
	drop table msdb.dbo.Fragmented_Indexes

-- Table modified v2 & v3
create table msdb.dbo.Fragmented_Indexes (
				DBName sysname,
				ObjectName VARCHAR (255),
				ObjectId INT,
				IndexName VARCHAR (255),
				IndexId INT,
				Lvl INT,
				CountPages INT,
				CountRows INT,
				MinRecSize INT,
				MaxRecSize INT,
				AvgRecSize INT,
				ForRecCount INT,
				Extents INT,
				ExtentSwitches INT,
				AvgFreeBytes INT,
				AvgPageDensity INT,
				ScanDensity DECIMAL,
				BestCount INT,
				ActualCount INT,
				LogicalFrag DECIMAL,
				ExtentFrag DECIMAL,
				OrigFill tinyint)
if exists (select * from msdb..sysobjects where name = 'Fragmented_Indexes_History' and type = 'U')
	drop table Fragmented_Indexes_History

create table msdb..Fragmented_Indexes_History (
	DBName sysname,
	ObjectName CHAR (255),
	ObjectId INT,
	IndexName CHAR (255),
	IndexId INT,
	Lvl INT,
	CountPages INT,
	CountRows INT,
	MinRecSize INT,
	MaxRecSize INT,
	AvgRecSize INT,
	ForRecCount INT,
	Extents INT,
	ExtentSwitches INT,
	AvgFreeBytes INT,
	AvgPageDensity INT,
	ScanDensity DECIMAL,
	BestCount INT,
	ActualCount INT,
	LogicalFrag DECIMAL,
	ExtentFrag DECIMAL,
	Origfill Tinyint,
	start_time datetime,
	end_time   datetime,
	newfill int)

The actual code to populate these tables and re-index the database(s) are managed through 3 stored procedures. We have created jobs
on our production server to execute these procs nightly, but you can get them to run as often as you like.

The first procedure is described in the header.
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[usp_frag_report]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)
drop procedure [dbo].[usp_frag_report]


	Calls usp_get_dnsty for each user DB in instance to fill msdb..Fragmented_Indexes with
	all indexes with scan density less than @target

	Still need to look into _WA_Sys auto-statistics to see if they should be excluded. Also
	need to investigate phenomena of fragmented non-clustered indexes on non-fragmented 
	clustered tables.

Processing Steps:
	If msdb..Fragmented_Indexes doesn't exist, create it
	open cursor for all user DB names
	call usp_get_dnsty for each with specified target scan density

Tables Used:
	@target (tinyint, def: 85) scan density below which table/index is considered as execessively fragmented
	@alert (bit, def: 1) 1: raiserror if fragmentation found; 0: silent execution - no raiserror
	@minpages (int, def: 40)

create procedure usp_frag_report (
	@target decimal(5,2) = 85.00, 
	@alert bit = 1,
	@minpages int = NULL

	declare @dbname sysname
	declare @frag_count int
	declare @message varchar(30)
	declare @err int

	set nocount on

	-- clear report table
	if exists (select * from msdb..sysobjects where name = 'Fragmented_Indexes' and type = 'U')
		truncate table Fragmented_Indexes
		create table msdb..Fragmented_Indexes (
			   DBName sysname,
			   ObjectName CHAR (255),
			   ObjectId INT,
			   IndexName CHAR (255),
			   IndexId INT,
			   Lvl INT,
			   CountPages INT,
			   CountRows INT,
			   MinRecSize INT,
			   MaxRecSize INT,
			   AvgRecSize INT,
			   ForRecCount INT,
			   Extents INT,
			   ExtentSwitches INT,
			   AvgFreeBytes INT,
			   AvgPageDensity INT,
			   ScanDensity DECIMAL,
			   BestCount INT,
			   ActualCount INT,
			   LogicalFrag DECIMAL,
			   ExtentFrag DECIMAL,
               Origfill Tinyint)
	declare iw_dbcursor cursor for
		select name
			from master.dbo.sysdatabases
			where name not in ('master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'distribution', 'msdb')
				and (status & 1024) = 0 -- exclude DBs with read-only flag set - includes log shipped
			order by dbid

	open iw_dbcursor
	fetch next from iw_dbcursor into @dbname
	while @@fetch_status = 0
		print @dbname
		if @minpages is null
			exec @err = usp_get_dnsty @dbname, @target
			exec @err = usp_get_dnsty @dbname, @target, @minpages

		fetch next from iw_dbcursor into @dbname

	close iw_dbcursor
	deallocate iw_dbcursor

	if object_id('msdb.dbo.Fragmented_Indexes') is not null	
		select @frag_count = count(distinct dbname) from Fragmented_Indexes

	if isnull(@frag_count, 0) > 0 and @alert = 1
		set @message = convert(varchar, @frag_count) + ' database' + case when @frag_count > 1 then 's' else '' end + ' on Server ' + @@SERVERNAME
		--raiserror(50016, 18, 1, @message) -- SQL_Admin error 50016 must be installed


This next proc is called from the usp_defrag proc and is used to get the scan densities for all table indexes where they are below a threslhold
The threshold is either the default - specified in parameter "target", or it is captured from the Fragmented_indexes_XConfig. Again
further description is in the header.
use msdb

if object_id('usp_get_dnsty') is not null 
	drop proc usp_get_dnsty

	Get scan densities for all table indexes in a SQL2K DB where scandensity < @target
	Store results in (v3.0) msdb..Fragmented_Indexes

Depends On:

	uses undocumented procedure sp_MSForEachTable

Processing Steps:
	create temp table #fraglist
	fill with dbcc showcontig for all tables in target DB (with tableresults, all_indexes, all_levels)
	insert into msdb..Fragmented_Indexes all records (except BLOB and heap pointers) where scandensity is below specified @target, 
		extentswitches > 0 and extents >= specified minimum extents (i.e. if your table only takes up 0.5 an extent it'll always look
		50% fragmented even though it's not - similar distortion is also seen with tiny tables under 3 or 4 extents)

Tables Used:
	creates and drops #fraglist
	@dbname (sysname) name of database to get densities for
	@target (numeric 5,2 def: 85.00) scan density below which table/index is considered as execessively fragmented
	@minpages (int def: 40) minimimum number of pages below which table/index fragmentation not significant

Return Value:
	-1: error - invalid target DB; 0: OK

Called By:


Add Fragmented_Indexes_XConfig to allow specification of 
divergent specific scandensities for individual tables
Removed WITH ALL_LEVELS option from DBCC SHOWCONTIG call
cos it's buggy (Level column is always 0) and it doesn't 
really help us anyway.

create procedure usp_get_dnsty (
	@dbname sysname, 
	@target decimal(5,2) = 85.00,
	@minpages int = 40
	set nocount on
	declare @err int, @cmd varchar(1000)

	-- Leave system databases alone	 
	if @dbname = 'master' 
		or  @dbname = 'model' 
		or  @dbname = 'tempdb' 
		or  @dbname = 'distribution' 
		or  @dbname = 'msdb'
		or 	isnull(@dbname, '') = ''
		return -1 -- error

	-- Create temporary table to hold DBCC SHOWCONTIG output
	CREATE TABLE #fraglist (
			   ObjectName VARCHAR (255),
			   ObjectId INT,
			   IndexName VARCHAR (255),
			   IndexId INT,
			   Lvl INT,
			   CountPages INT,
			   CountRows INT,
			   MinRecSize INT,
			   MaxRecSize INT,
			   AvgRecSize INT,
			   ForRecCount INT,
			   Extents INT,
			   ExtentSwitches INT,
			   AvgFreeBytes INT,
			   AvgPageDensity INT,
			   ScanDensity DECIMAL,
			   BestCount INT,
			   ActualCount INT,
			   LogicalFrag DECIMAL,
			   ExtentFrag DECIMAL)
	/*ERRTRAP*/	select @err = @@ERROR if @err <> 0 return @err
	-- Update statistics first
	set @cmd = 'use ' + @dbname + '; exec sp_updatestats'
	/*ERRTRAP*/	select @err = @@ERROR if @err <> 0 return @err
	-- Insert DBCC SHOWCONTIG output for all tables in database into #fraglist
	set @cmd = 'use ' + @dbname + '; exec sp_MSForEachTable @command1 = ''insert into #fraglist exec(''''dbcc showcontig([?]) with tableresults, all_indexes'''')'''	
	exec (@cmd)
	/*ERRTRAP*/	select @err = @@ERROR if @err <> 0 return @err

	-- Insert individually specified scandensity fragmented indexes
	insert into msdb..Fragmented_Indexes
		(DBName, ObjectName,ObjectId, IndexName, IndexId, Lvl, CountPages, CountRows, MinRecSize, MaxRecSize, AvgRecSize, ForRecCount, Extents, 
		ExtentSwitches, AvgFreeBytes, AvgPageDensity, ScanDensity, BestCount, ActualCount, LogicalFrag, ExtentFrag)
		select @dbname, rtrim(t.ObjectName), t.ObjectId, rtrim(t.IndexName), t.IndexId, t.Lvl, t.CountPages, t.CountRows, t.MinRecSize, t.MaxRecSize, 
			t.AvgRecSize, t.ForRecCount, t.Extents, t.ExtentSwitches, t.AvgFreeBytes, t.AvgPageDensity, t.ScanDensity, t.BestCount, t.ActualCount, 
			t.LogicalFrag, t.ExtentFrag
		from #fraglist t inner join msdb..Fragmented_Indexes_XConfig x
			on (t.ObjectName = x.ObjectName and t.IndexName = x.IndexName)
		where x.DBName = @dbname
			and t.extentswitches > 0
			and t.indexid not in (0, 255)
			and t.scandensity < x.ScanDensity

	-- Remove specified scandensity fragmented indexes from general SHOWCONTIG list
	delete from #fraglist
	where exists (select x.ObjectName, x.IndexName 
					from Fragmented_Indexes_XConfig x 
					where x.DBName = @dbname
						and x.ObjectName = #fraglist.ObjectName 
						and x.IndexName = #fraglist.IndexName)
	-- TODO - test above

	-- Add all indexes falling below @target to Fragmented_Indexes
	insert into msdb..Fragmented_Indexes
		(DBName, ObjectName,ObjectId, IndexName, IndexId, Lvl, CountPages, CountRows, MinRecSize, MaxRecSize, AvgRecSize, ForRecCount, Extents, ExtentSwitches, AvgFreeBytes, AvgPageDensity, ScanDensity, BestCount, ActualCount, LogicalFrag, ExtentFrag)
		select @dbname as DBName, rtrim(ObjectName), ObjectId, rtrim(IndexName), IndexId, Lvl, CountPages, CountRows, MinRecSize, MaxRecSize, 
			AvgRecSize, ForRecCount, Extents, ExtentSwitches, AvgFreeBytes, AvgPageDensity, ScanDensity, BestCount, ActualCount, LogicalFrag, 
			from #fraglist 
			where extentswitches > 0
				and indexid not in (0, 255)
				and scandensity < @target
				and CountPages >= @minpages
			order by objectid, indexid, lvl
	/*ERRTRAP*/	select @err = @@ERROR if @err <> 0 return @err
	-- Clean up temporary SHOWCONTIG table
	drop table #fraglist
	/*ERRTRAP*/	select @err = @@ERROR if @err <> 0 return @err

	-- Query appropriate sysindexes table to get OrigFill settings for indexes
	set @cmd = 'update msdb..Fragmented_Indexes set origfill = i.OrigFillFactor from msdb..Fragmented_Indexes f inner join ' + @dbname
				+ '..sysindexes i on (f.ObjectId = i.id and f.indexid = i.indid) where f.origfill is null and f.DBName = ''' + @dbname + ''''
	exec (@cmd)
	/*ERRTRAP*/	select @err = @@ERROR if @err <> 0 return @err

	return 0

The last proc is then used to query the fragmented_indexes table and then perform any defragging necessary
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[usp_defrag]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)
	drop procedure [dbo].[usp_defrag]


	Defragment indexes based on information stored in msdb.dbo.Fragmented_Indexes 
	by running usp_frag_report

Depends On:
	usp_get_dnsty(e.g. prior script installations, exes, registry settings, etc.

	Assumes dbo owner of all objects

Processing Steps:
Tables Used:
		@dbname (sysname def: NULL)		MyDbName: Database to defragment; NULL: All writeable user databases
		@eachindex (bit def: 0) 		1: defrag each index individually; 0: Just do clustered
		@defaultfill (tinyint def: 85)	0-100 Fill factor % to use when rebuilding
		@useorigfill (bit def: 0) 		1: use original fill factor (if > 0); 0: use default regardless
		@rebuild (bit def: 1)			1: use DBCC DBREINDEX; 0: use DBCC INDEXDEFRAG

Return Value:
Called By:
	Defragmentation job

Add fragmented_indexes_history table, and 
fragmented_indexes_fillfactor table to override applying
default fillfactor. This code has been added in the
"Each index individually" section only. Also, after each index
has been rebuilt, the row for that index is deleted from the
fragmented_indexes table.

Commented out table defns (now in separate files) and changed
Fragmented_Indexes_Fillfactor to Fragmented_Indexes_XConfig
Refactored to remove split paths based on eachindex. Now only 
one main loop/path. However, now means that if eachindex = 0,
only fragmentation in the clustered index will be processed
(i.e. fragmentation in nonclustered indexes on a table for which
the clustered index is within tolerance will not trigger a defrag)

create proc usp_defrag (
	@dbname 		sysname = NULL,
	@eachindex 		bit = 0, 	-- 0 = no 1 = yes
	@defaultfill	tinyint = 80,
	@useorigfill 	bit = 0, 	-- 0 = no, use default; 1 = yes (except when origfill = 0 then use @defaultfill)
	@rebuild		bit = 1		-- 0 = DBCC INDEXDEFRAG; 1 = DBCC DBREINDEX
	declare @cmd varchar(500), 
	    @targdb sysname, 
	    @tabname sysname, 
	    @origfill tinyint, 
	    @newfill tinyint,
	    @indexname sysname,
	    @err int,
	    @count int,
	    @start_time datetime,
	    @end_time   datetime

	-- Troubleshout erroneous defaultfill params
	if @defaultfill < 0 or @defaultfill > 100
		set @defaultfill = 80
	set @cmd = ''

	-- Define TARGETS cursor for indexes to defrag
	if @dbname is null
		-- All databases in instance
		if @eachindex = 0
			declare TARGETS cursor for
				select distinct dbname, objectname, indexname, origfill
				from msdb..Fragmented_Indexes
				where indexid = 1 -- Clustered Indexes only
			declare TARGETS cursor for
				select distinct dbname, objectname, indexname, origfill
				from msdb..Fragmented_Indexes
		-- Specified database only
		if @eachindex = 0
			declare TARGETS cursor for
				select distinct dbname, objectname, indexname, origfill
				from msdb..Fragmented_Indexes
				where dbname = @dbname
				and indexid = 1 -- Clustered Indexes only
			declare TARGETS cursor for
				select distinct dbname, objectname, indexname, origfill
				from msdb..Fragmented_Indexes
				where dbname = @dbname
	/*ERRTRAP*/	select @err = @@ERROR if @err <> 0 return @err

	-- Open TARGETS Cursor
	fetch next from TARGETS into @dbname, @tabname, @indexname, @origfill
	/*ERRTRAP*/	select @err = @@ERROR if @err <> 0 return @err

	-- Loop for each index to defrag
	while @@fetch_status = 0
		if @rebuild = 0
			-- just do an INDEXDEFRAG
			set @cmd = 'dbcc indexdefrag (''' + rtrim(@dbname) + ''', ''' + rtrim(@tabname) + '''' + ', '+ '''' + rtrim(@indexname) + '''' + ')'
			-- sort out what fill factor to rebuild the index to
	        select @newfill = newfill 
	        from msdb..Fragmented_Indexes_XConfig
	        where  		dbname = rtrim(@dbname)
		        and 	objectname = rtrim(@tabname)
		        and 	indexname  = rtrim(@indexname) 
	        -- if a row is returned for this index from Fragmented_Indexes_XConfig table
	        -- then use that FILLFACTOR, otherwise use the CASE statement below to
	        -- decide which FILLFACTOR to use
	        if @newfill is null   
	           select @newfill = case when @useorigfill * @origfill > 0 then @origfill else @defaultfill end
	        print 'Index: ' + @indexname +' newfill ' + convert(varchar(5), isnull(@newfill, 'NULL'))
	        /*ERRTRAP*/	select @err = @@ERROR if @err <> 0 return @err
	        -- now rebuild this specific index to chosen fill factor
	        set @cmd = 'dbcc dbreindex (''' + rtrim(@dbname) + '..' + rtrim(@tabname) + ''', ''' + rtrim(@indexname) + ''' , ' 
							+ convert(varchar(3), @newfill) + ')'

        set @start_time = getdate()

        exec (@cmd)
		/*ERRTRAP*/	select @err = @@ERROR if @err <> 0 return @err

        set @end_time = getdate()
		-- Move processed indexes record to History table and remove from Fragmented_Indexes
        begin tran

        insert into msdb..Fragmented_Indexes_History
             	    (DBName, ObjectName,ObjectId, IndexName, 
                     IndexId, Lvl, CountPages, CountRows, 
                     MinRecSize, MaxRecSize, AvgRecSize, 
                     ForRecCount, Extents, ExtentSwitches, 
                     AvgFreeBytes, AvgPageDensity, ScanDensity, 
                     BestCount, ActualCount, LogicalFrag, ExtentFrag, origfill,
                     start_time, end_time, newfill)
        select DBName, ObjectName,ObjectId, IndexName, 
                     IndexId, Lvl, CountPages, CountRows, 
                     MinRecSize, MaxRecSize, AvgRecSize, 
                     ForRecCount, Extents, ExtentSwitches, 
                     AvgFreeBytes, AvgPageDensity, ScanDensity, 
                     BestCount, ActualCount, LogicalFrag, ExtentFrag, origfill,
                     @start_time, @end_time, @newfill
        from msdb.dbo.fragmented_indexes 
        where  dbname     = rtrim(@dbname)
        and    objectname = rtrim(@tabname)
        and    indexname  = rtrim(@indexname) 
        delete from msdb.dbo.Fragmented_Indexes 
        where  dbname     = rtrim(@dbname)
        and    objectname = rtrim(@tabname)
        and    indexname  = rtrim(@indexname)

        set @count = @@rowcount

        if @count = 1
			print 'Row deleted from msdb..fragmented_indexes for index ' + rtrim(@indexname) 
					+ ' on table ' + rtrim(@tabname) + ' on database ' + rtrim(@dbname)
			commit tran
			rollback tran

		fetch next from TARGETS into @dbname, @tabname, @indexname, @origfill
		/*ERRTRAP*/	select @err = @@ERROR if @err <> 0 return @err
	-- Clean up TARGETS Cursor
	close TARGETS
	deallocate TARGETS


This series of procs/jobs has evolved over time - things like configuration at an individual index level using the XConfig table was added
to give the flexibility to the DBA or programmers to maintain indices individually.
I hope this helps and you found it worthwhile.

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Part and Inventory Search
