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GPO- Administrative Templates


by  markdmac  Posted    (Edited  )
markdmac's Enterprise Ready
Group Policy Administrative Templates

By Mark D. MacLachlan, The Spiders Parlor

Warning, Warning, Danger Will Robinson!!![/red]

The below ADM file is useful for servers that require an automatic login for applications that run in a user session rather than as a service. I highly recommend that you combine the use of this ADM with a login script that will immediately lock the screen.

AutoLogin is considered a major security risk, regretfully there are times when it just cannot be avoided to to application constraints. Use at your own discretion.


    CATEGORY "Auto-Login"
        POLICY "Enable Auto-Login" 
            KEYNAME "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon"
            VALUENAME "AutoAdminLogon" 
            PART "Auto-Login Username"    EDITTEXT
                VALUENAME "DefaultUserName"
            END PART
            PART "Auto-Login Domain"    EDITTEXT
                   VALUENAME "DefaultDomainName"
            END PART
            PART "Auto-Login Password"    EDITTEXT
                   VALUENAME "DefaultPassword"
            END PART
        END POLICY
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