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How to upload .wav file via network (winscp) into the AVAYA UC MODULE / AVAYA SERVER EDITION for voicemail pro

avaya ip ofice vm pro

How to upload .wav file via network (winscp) into the AVAYA UC MODULE / AVAYA SERVER EDITION for voicemail pro

by  Nik  Posted    (Edited  )
How to upload .wav file via network (winscp) into the AVAYA UC MODULE / AVAYA SERVER EDITION in VM PRO
open Putty and connect avaya ipo ucmodule/avaya ipo server edition
Login as: Administrator
Administrator@'s password:(use administrator password)
Last login: Mon Jan 16 21:00:23 2017 from

* Avaya IP Office *
* *
* WARNING: Authorised Access Only *

Welcome Administrator it is Wed Jan 18 19:39:57 IST 2017
> admin
Please enter Service User:Administrator
Please enter Administrator password: ( Administrator Password)
Login successful
Admin> root
Password: (enter root password )
[root@005056A53A8A ~]# chmod -R ugo+rw /opt/vmpro/Wavs/
Download winscp https://winscp.net/download/WinSCP-5.9.3-Setup.exe
Open winscp

1) Connect via sftp
3) USERNAME :- Administrator password :- ( admin password)
4) Select root directory open opt/vm/Wavs/
5) upload file from loacl directory to vm Wav directory
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