I have a lot of clients using Microsoft Servers and although Avaya doesn't support using the Application Server on Hyper-V I have wanted to use it. I wanted to share my instructions on how to load and run the IP Office Application Server on Microsoft Hyper-V.
How to load IP Office in Hyper-V
1) Create a Hyper-V virtual machine
2) In settings, click on network adapter and remove it
3) In settings, add hardware, legacy network adapter
4) Change processors to four or more
5) Start machine and run setup from DVD image (mouse will not work)
6) When installation is complete eject the DVD image and let it reboot
7) Download the latest Linux integration services package from Microsoft http://www.microsoft.com/downloads
8) Insert the disc image and start the server
9) type "login" and login with Administrator Administrator
10) Type sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media
11) Type cat /etc/redhat-release to determine which RHEL release you are running on
12) Type cd /media/RHEL63 (this is case sensitive) or cd /media/RHEL64 depending on which version you at running
13) Type sudo ./install.sh
14) After this completes (it will take awhile) type reboot and reboot the VM
15) After it comes back up shut it down using the VM interface button - this demonstrates that Linux integration installed properly
16) Go to settings and add a "normal" network adapter and start the VM
17) When it boots you will see two NICs, shut down the VM and in settings remove the legacy network adapter
18) Start the VM and it will boot and then reboot and when it comes up it will have the correct address on the HyperV adapter
19) Use the server!
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