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IMS Configuration


IMS Configuration

by  MrIPO  Posted    (Edited  )
Pre-Installation Requirements

The IMS software is supplied on the same CD as Voicemail Pro.

ò Installation of IMS requires familiarity with IP Office and Voicemail Pro. It also requires familiarity with Windows NT/2000 and the setting up of domains and users.
ò The installation requires access the customers Microsoft Exchange Server and should be done in conjunction with the customer' Network Manager.
ò The installer will need a list equating NT User and Exchange User account names with Telephone extension numbers and voicemail box numbers.

IP Office:
ò IMS can be used with any of the IP400 Office telephone systems. The appropriate license keys for Voicemail pro and IMS must be entered via the Manager application.

Voicemail Pro:
ò Voicemail Pro must be pre-installed and tested. Refer to the Voicemail Pro Manual.

Local Area Network:
ò Email Server:
ò MS Exchange 5 & 5.5
ò An Exchange User account for user æIMSÆ will need to be created as part of IMS installation. This NT Domain User should be given Domain Administrator privileges. In addition, this user should be added to the Local Administrators Group on the Database and Gateway Servers PC. This account will be used by EVERY IMS and VOICEMAIL Service for Log On. It will also be used for DCOM Log On. Finally, the Email client used by the IMS system will be set up with the IMS account.
ò The email system must be running and operating correctly.

IMS Gateway/Database Server PC:
This can be the same Server PC as Exchange Server. Do not install the Voice Gateway onto this machine.

ò Operating system: Windows NT 4 Server with Service Packs 4, 5 and 6a or Windows 2000.
ò It must be a member of the same NT Domain as the Exchange server

ò Email Client: An NT Domain User named æIMSÆ must be created during installation. Exchange Client or Outlook must be configured and working for user æIMSÆ.

IMS Client PC's:

ò Hardware:
The minimum recommended hardware for NT/2000 is a Pentium 100 with 32 Mb RAM. For Windows 95/98/ME is a Pentium 100 with 24 Mb RAM.

ò Operating system:
These can be either;
ò Windows NT4 with Service packs 4, 5, 6a or Windows 2000.
Where a PC is outside of the Exchange serverÆs domain it will need NT4 Service Pack 6a or Windows 2000.
ò Windows 95/98/ME clients must use TCP/IP networking.

ò Network configuration:
Users must be members of an NT Domain.

ò Email Client:
MS Exchange Client, Outlook 97, 98, 2000 and Office 2002 however form may need to be manually installed under XP and Office 2002.

Installation Overview

The Installation of IMS Software components should be carried out in the following order to ensure a trouble free system.

1. Install Exchange Server and Exchange Clients
This manual assumes that the email system (both server and clients) has been installed and tested.

2. Install Voicemail Pro
This manual assumes that Voicemail Pro has been installed and tested.

3. Install IMS License Key
Ensure that the IMS license key has been entered via the Manager Application and is valid. The key is checked by IMS during start-up.

4. Install Integrated Voice Messaging Server
This is installed onto the Voicemail Pro Server PC. See "IMS Voice Service Installation" on page 9.

5. Install IMS Database & Gateway Server
These are either installed on the same PC as the Exchange Server or onto a separate PC NOT THE VOICEMAIL PC. See "IMS Gateway & Database Service Installation" on page 10.

6. Install IMS Administration Tool
See "IMS Administration Tool Installation" on page 11.

7. Install IMS Clients
See "IMS Client Installation" on page 12.

8. Configure Mailboxes Using IMS Administration
See "Using IMS Administration" on page 13.

IMS Voice Service Installation

Use the following process to install the IMS Voice Service onto the
Voicemail Pro Server PC.

1. Insert the Voicemail Pro CD and select IMS Voice Service from the list of Integrated Messaging System components.

2. After installation the Integrated Messaging Server control panel appears. Select the Logging Level required for the Integrated Messaging Voice Server.
a. If the PC already has other Voicemail Pro components installed, do not deselect them as the wizard will then remove those components.

3. The software will now attempt to validate the IMS license key on the IP Office.

4. At this stage, if you have not already made changes to your DCOM settings, you may return an error similar to the followingà

This error is related to the Distributed Computing (DCOM) settings associated with the services installed on the PC. The installation does not need to be aborted; however, the Integrated Messaging system will not be active until these settings are changed. Please refer to the DCOM section later in this document for details on how to change your DCOM settings.

5. After validating the IMS license key, the software request whether you want to start the service, select Yes.

6. Once the service has started the option to restart the system to complete the installation may occur. If this does happen, click on OK. To reboot the PC.

Checking the settings of your Voice Service

View the NT Services on your machine through Start/Settings/Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Services.
Find the service labeled (IMS) Voice Service. View the properties of this service. Ensure that the service is using the IMS Domain account for Log On as follows.
ò In the Log On Tab of the Properties box of the (IMS) Voice Service, check the box labeled æThis AccountÆ. Browse to find the IMS Domain account. Enter the password.
Note: Even though the (IMS) Voice Server Service may start, you MUST check your DCOM settings to ensure a trouble free installation.

IMS Gateway & Database Service Installation

The following process installs the IMS Gateway Service and IMS Database Service onto the same PC. Though this is typically the case though they can be installed on separate PC's if required. These services should NOT be installed on the same PC as the (IMS) Voice Service installed in the previous section.

1. Log on to the PC as the Domain Account IMS. In an earlier section, this account was to be set up as a Local Administrator of this machine.

2. Insert the Voicemail Pro CD and select IMS Database Service and IMS Gateway Service from the list of Integrated Messaging System components.
a. If the PC already has other Voicemail Pro components installed, do not deselect them as the wizard will then remove those components.

3. After installation you are taken through the tabs of the Integrated Messaging Server control panel (see "IMS Server Configuration" on page 16).

4. Select the Logging Level required for the Integrated Gateway Voice Server.

5. Enter the name of the computers on which the IMS Database and the IMS Voice Services have been (/are being) installed. The Voice Service was installed in the previous section. You should Browse the domain to find the correct PC.

6. Specify the Email Settings for the service. The email account name used is IMS. Again, it is important to use the Browse button to ensure the correct account is chosen.

7. The software will attempt to verify the new settings. If okay, you may asked to start the System, select Yes. This is required so click on the Yes button to start the IMS System. Alternatively you may be requested to reboot the PC, if so click on the OK button to reboot.

NOTE: Following installation, the software will ask whether you want to start the service, select Yes. At this point, you may receive an error.

This error is again related to DCOM. In short, the Gateway service will not start until all the DCOM settings are correct. Please refer to the DCOM section for details on the necessary DCOM settings.

Determining that the IMS Email Account is operational
ò Use the email client on the server to test that IMS is able to send and receive emails. This is achieved by sending an email to an internal email account. The email should appear in the destination mailbox with æIMSÆ as the sender. If this test fails, check that the Email client is using the correct account as follows.

1. In the Email Client (Outlook) go to Tools/Services.
2. On the Services tab, Edit the Properties of the Microsoft Exchange Server.
3. Ensure that the name of the Exchange Server is correct and that the Mailbox is IMS. Both of these settings should be underlined once they have been checked by the Exchange Server.

IMS Administration Tool Installation

The IMS Administration program can be installed and run on a networked PC running NT4 with service pack 3 or greater. The installer must be logged on with local administrator rights.

1. Insert the Voicemail Pro CD and select IMS Administration Tool from the list of Integrated Messaging System components.
a. If the PC already has other Voicemail Pro components installed, do not deselect them as the wizard will then remove those components.

2. Logon as a member of the Domain Account IMS.

3. Start IMS Administration Tool (select Start | Programs | IP Office | IMS Administration).

4. Depending on the user account used to logon to NT, it may display the Choose Profile dialogue. Ensure that the profile selected includes Microsoft Exchange Server service. If necessary a new profile may need to be created. Then select the Exchange Profile and click on OK.

5. Select the menu option Server and then Add and enter an IMS to administrate. This requires the computer name of the PC running the IMS Server software. If the computer name is unknown then select Browse to search for any available IMS servers.

Note: If the Administration Tool Fails to find the IMS Server, it is probably due to a DCOM failure. Please review the DCOM settings of every Server (Voice, Gateway, Database and Restart).

IMS Client Installation

The IMS client must be installed onto every PC from which the user intend to use IMS. For installation of the IMS Client, you should have local Administrator privileges. If you do not, you may receive Error Notification messages. These errors are not critical to IMS Client Operation, but the may be bothersome.

1. On any PC on the network, insert the Voicemail Pro CD and select IMS Client Package from the list of Integrated Messaging Service components.
a. If the PC already has other Voicemail Pro components installed, do not deselect them as the wizard will then remove those components.
2. This installs a file called IMSClient.exe into the folder c:\Program Files\Avaya\IMS Client (and adds a shortcut onto the desktop of the PC). Copy this file (approximately 10MB) to a location where it can be accessed when logged on at the various users PC's onto which you want to install the IMS Client.

3. For each user, ensure that Outlook is open before installation of the IMS client. Access and start IMSClient.exe from the user's PC.

4. Enter the user's extension number and the name of the IMS Gateway Service PC. Check the correct name of the IMS Server in the Administration tool.

On Office 2002 pcÆs you may need to manually install the IMS Client form into the application.


Short for Distributed Component Object Model, an extension of the Component Object Model (COM) to support objects distributed across a network. In short, it allows the various IMS components, installed on different machines, to talk to each other.

Every IMS Service installed on your PC will have associated DCOM settings. As mentioned above, DCOM allows all your IMS services to talk to each other. Therefore, on the Voice Server PC, there will be a DCOM entry to the Gateway and Database Services even though these services may not be installed on this PC! It is critical that all IMS service DCOM entries are thoroughly checked. Changing the DCOM settings for a Service on one PC does not change them on the other PC. Each PC will need to be checked post installation to ensure that all DCOM entries are correctly configured.

For example, the Gateway Server PC AND the Voice Server PC will both have DCOM entries for the Gateway Server, even though this Server is only installed on the Gateway Server PC.

Accessing DCOM settings

Click Start/Run

This will open the DCOM configuration administrator. All DCOM settings for NT Services may be edited from this Administrator.

Navigation through DCOM

Applications Tab
Accesses the specific DCOM settings for each service.

Default Properties Tab
Many of the settings accessed through the Applications tab can make use of the default properties for DCOM. These default properties are configured here. The decision to change these default settings is determined by the CustomerÆs Network Administrator, since changing anything in this tab may have adverse effects on other services.

Default Security Tab
See Default Properties Tab. This Security Settings in general specify which Users may make remote calls to remote services using DCOM.

Default Protocols Tab
See Default Properties Tab. This Security Settings in general specify which protocols may make remote calls to remote services using DCOM. These may be left unchanged in general.

DCOM settings for IMS Server Applications DATABASE and GATWAY Server

Default Properties:
Enable DCOM on this computer û checked
Enable COM internet services on this computer û checked
Default authentication level û NONE
Default impersonation level û Impersonate

Default Security:
Access: Administrators; Domain\IMS - Allow
Launch: Administrators; Domain\IMS - Allow
Configuration: Administrators; Domain\IMS û Full Control

The below directly relates to the PC that has had GATEWAY and DATABASE installed.


General - Default authentication level û NONE
Location û run application on computer where data is located, run on the following computer (server where Voice service is installed)
Endpoints - default

General - Default authentication level û NONE
Location û run application on computer where data is located, run application on this computer
Security û Add the IMS account for Allow Access, Allow Launch and Full Control.
Identity û use the Domain\IMS account
Endpoints - default

General - Default authentication level û NONE
Location û run application on computer where data is located, run application on this computer
Security û Add the IMS account for Allow Access, Allow Launch and Full Control.
Identity û use the Domain\IMS account
Endpoints û default

General - Default authentication level û NONE
Location û run application on computer where data is located, run application on this computer
Security û Add the IMS account for Allow Access, Allow Launch and Full Control.
Identity û use the Domain\IMS account
Endpoints - default

DCOM settings for IMS Client Applications

Installation of the IMS Client adds an IMS Gateway Server DCOM entry. This entry needs to be configured as follows.

General - Default authentication level û NONE
Location û Run Application on the following computer: Browse to find the name of the Gateway Server PC.
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