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CTI with GoldMine


CTI with GoldMine

by  richardy  Posted    (Edited  )
GoldMine Integration - CTI

Outbound Calling

GoldMine for Windows can provide outbound auto dialling via a Hayes compatible modem. By simply selecting the modem port to use auto dialling can be enabled. If you are using a phone system which can directly connect to the PC, you may have to use a third party product to dial the phone number + this results from the phone system not being 100% Hayes compatible + i.e. not supporting the Hayes command set.

GoldMine 4.0+ can provide outbound auto dialling to a TAPI compliant device that provides DATA and VOICE. This means GoldMine can now provide support for any type of analogue Modem.

If you are using an integrated phone system with a direct connection to your PC, it is highly likely that the TAPI element installed will provide VOICE compatibility only. GoldMine requires both data and voice, therefore the telephone system will not be picked by GoldMine as a TAPI device. Support for this device must be provided through a third party utility.

Auto dialling through an external program

GoldMine can call an external application for auto dialling by altering the USERNAME.INI i.e. RICHARD.INI. This file is located in the GoldMine directory. The syntax is:

Place any of the following settings in the [Modem] section.

DDEDial=&Dial,app identifier,[dde command("%s")]

Places the DDE command in the Edit|Dial Phone menu sequence

app identifier
Name of the program that you want to open. This name is an identifier associated with the registration database entry for the program. GoldMine will execute the program specified in the command field of this registration entry.

[dde command("%s")]
When the specified program starts, GoldMine will attempt to establish a DDE conversation with the program. GoldMine will use the application and topic name from the Open section of the registration entry to establish the conversation. If a conversation can be established, GoldMine will execute a DDE request using the command specified as the DDE item.

Caller ID

GoldMine for Windows and GoldMine for Windows 95/NT both provide a capability for Caller ID. There are many types of phone system with many methods of passing telephone numbers to the PC, therefore GoldMine has provided the Caller ID - DDE message.

The CallerID message can be used to pass an incoming telephone number to GoldMine, which can find the appropriate contact record.

Syntax [CALLERID(<telephone>,<message><display dialog>)]

With the CALLERID function, GoldMine can automatically display the contact record of the caller. A dialog box is displayed allowing the user to select an action. A CALLERID function parameter is used to specify the message in the dialog box.

The CALLERID function accepts three parameters. The first parameter is the telephone number of the caller as captured by the ANI device. The calling application is responsible for formatting the telephone number that will appear in the Phone1 field in GoldMine. Enclose this parameter in quotation marks (").

The second parameter is the optional message to be displayed in the dialog box in GoldMine. Enclose this parameter in quotation marks (").

The third parameter specifies whether or not the dialog box is displayed. This parameter is the sum of the required options. For example, to display the caller's contact record in the current window if the record is found, or to display the contact listing if the caller's phone number is not found, specify 6 (2+4) as the <display dialog> parameter. The following table lists valid promoter values.

CALLERID parameters

Value Description
0 Dialog box is displayed (default when third parameter is not passed).
1 Dialog box is not displayed, and contact record is displayed in a new contact record.
2 Dialog box is not displayed, and contact record is displayed in the current contact record.
4 Contact Listing is displayed when GoldMine cannot find the contact's telephone number.

To activate this option, add this value to the third parameter value.

CALLERID Return Values

Value Description
0 Error occurred
1 Contact record found
2 Contact record not found


The following WordBasic example requests a phone number for the user and attempts to locate the phone number in GoldMine via the CALLERID function.

ch = DDE Initiate("GOLDMINE","DATA")
phone$ = (InputBox$("Enter Phone to Lookup up Format:(###)###-####))
REM The Caller ID request
Ret$=DDERequest$(ch, "[CallerID(" + Chr$(34) + phone$ + Chr$(34) + ")]")
If ret$ = "1" Or ret$ + "0" Then
Print "Contact Not Found or Error Occured During Lookup"
End Sub

Registration Database

Create a text file of your application name.REG. Enter the following information:

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\appname = appname
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\appname\appname\shell\open\command = path to your applicaton
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\appname\shell\open\ddeexec = the dde command eg. [Phone "%s"]
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\appname\shell\open\ddeexec\application = appname of application server name
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\appname\shell\open\ddeexec\topic = topic e.g. Data

For example GoldMine would call DIALME.EXE with a DDE link of DIALME and topic of OUTBOUND and a command of [PHONE"%s"].

Now drag and drop this into your Registration Database. You can run the Registration database by entering REGEDIT at the File|Run or Start|Run prompt.

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