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How will you do XMLExport & XMLImport on Livelink Objects

XMLExport & XMLImport

How will you do XMLExport & XMLImport on Livelink Objects

by  appnair  Posted    (Edited  )
Step One:Run the URL as below

objID=24888 is a folder in my enterprise workspace
all others re parameters that the XMLExport will take.Any user can do livelink XMLExport.This will probably result in a xml file which I saved as empty.xml in the livelink root
which in my case is

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<livelink applanguage='USA' appversion='9.1.0' dtdversion='1.2'>
<llnode created='2003-07-29T09:00:32' createdby='1000' createdbyname='Admin' id='28488' modified='2003-07-29T09:00:32' name='New Folder' objname='Folder' objtype='0' ownedby='1000' ownedbyname='Admin' parentid='2000' size='0'>
<category defid='28487' name='Folder Category' versionid='1'>
<attributeset attid='1' name='Folder Category'>
<attribute attid='2' name='Default' type='-1'>This 1</attribute>
<node cacheexpiration='0' catalog='0' childcount='0' createdate='2003-07-29T09:00:32' createdby='1000' groupid='1001' groupperm='36995' id='28488' maxversion='-1' modifydate='2003-07-29T09:00:32' name='New Folder' originalid='0' originalvolid='0' parentid='2000' reserved='0' reservedby='0' subtype='0' systemperm='16777215' userid='1000' userperm='16777215' versionnum='0' volumeid='-2000' worldperm='36995'>
<acl create='true' delete='true' deletever='true' editattr='true' editperm='true' modify='true' name='Admin' permissions='16777215' permtype='1' reserve='true' rightid='1000' rightname='Admin' righttype='0' see='true' seecontent='true'/>
<acl create='false' delete='false' deletever='false' editattr='false' editperm='false' modify='false' name='DefaultGroup' permissions='36995' permtype='2' reserve='false' rightid='1001' rightname='DefaultGroup' righttype='1' see='true' seecontent='true'/>
<acl create='false' delete='false' deletever='false' editattr='false' editperm='false' modify='false' name='Public Access' permissions='36995' permtype='3' reserve='false' rightid='-1' rightname='Public Access' righttype='1' see='true' seecontent='true'/>
Step 2:If you did not see any errors go ahead and delete the folder in the above example and try this XMLImport
Change the name attribute of the node element to something different like name='Changed Folder' and run this.YOU HAVE TO BE ADMIN USER NOW


empty.xml is file you created in first step and objID=2000 is my enterprise folder.

Voila you should see the Changed Folder in your enterprise

If there are error they are under

I encourage all you to play with other objects and publish your experience.I'm new to xmlexport/import hence excited.

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