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How to pass variables thru a DataGrid hyperlink column


How to pass variables thru a DataGrid hyperlink column

by  Isadore  Posted    (Edited  )
On several occassions in the past we have brought up the notion of passing variable(s); as well as redirecting URL's, when using a hyperlink column in a datagrid. I list the following conditions as a summary of these events, thought they are not all inclusive.

Case 1: Simple single variable transfer...
  HeaderText="Select Site Code"
In this case, the first grid column, (0), is redirected to the page ChemRT.aspx as a QueryString.

Case 2: More than one variable in Grid...
<asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="Select Site">
   Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container,DataItem.AWWCode")%>'
   NavigateUrl='<%# "ChemOT.aspx?AwwCode=" & DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.AWWCode")& "&GroupName=" & DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.Group_Name")%>'
In this case a Templace Column is used, and one can transfer one, or all field values for the row selected.

Case 3. Sending grid variable + QueryString...
<asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="Select Site">
   Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.AWWCode")%>'
   NavigateUrl='<%# "SiteChemHistory.aspx?AwwCode=" & DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.AWWCode") & "&ChartID=" & Request.QueryString("ChartID")%>'
Case 4. Changing the URL redirect page...

In this case, a Querystring value is needed on the page with the grid. Acoording to this value, one needs to change the redirect page as well as past variables.

In the code behind on the page load event put:
Dim strURL As String
If Request.QueryString("ID") = 1 Then
 strURL = "ddChemHistory.aspx?AwwSiteCode="
 strURL = "ddPolarHistory.aspx?AwwSiteCode="
End If

Now caputre the redirect page in the grid hyperlink...

<asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="Select Site">
   HeaderText="Select Site"
   Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.AWWSiteCode")%>'
NavigateUrl='<%#strURL & DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.AWWSiteCode") & "ChartID=" & Request.QueryString("ChartID")%>'
In this last case the redirect page, 'strURL', is captured along with the hyperlinked field. Any combination of grid values of page variables may be sutbstituted as demonstrated.

Related threads at Tek-Tips:

1. Converting local URL to Virtual URL: thread855-868372
2. Summing up checked checkboxes in grid and sending to next page: thread855-907488

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