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Client side ASP.NET + Javascript examples


Client side ASP.NET + Javascript examples

by  Isadore  Posted    (Edited  )
Examples of JavaScript application in ASP.NET pages

Method 1: Indexing objects

For this example the objects involved are located in the following order on the form:

Water Temperature (txtWaterTemp)
pH: textbox (txtpH) (not involved in caculation)
Measured Oxygen: textbox (txtOxy)
% Oxygen saturation: textbox (txtOxygen)

...so the idea here is to (1) enter a Measured Oxygen value, (2) use the Water Temperature and Measured Oxygen to calculate an instant result on the client side using JavaScript, and place this calculated result in the txtOxygen asp:textbox.

The equation (% Oxygen Sat) used here is defined as:

Z = 14.407 + (0.0035 * Tw^2 - 0.3369 * Tw

where Tw is our measured water temperature; and the % Oxygen saturation, which we need to calculate on the Client side, is defined as:

% Sat = [txtOxy]/Z

...so two variables on the form needed for this client side calculation.

In the code behind or vb script area:


..and in the HTML Javascript section put:

function calculateOxy(obj){
var i, index;
 if(document.forms[0].elements[i ].name==obj.name)
var tempfactor;
tempfactor = 0.0035 * document.forms[0].elements[index-2].value^2;
var tempBfactor;
tempBfactor = -.3369 * document.forms[0].elements[index-2].value;
var DO;
DO = document.forms[0].elements[index].value;
var Denom;
Denom = 14.407 +  tempfactor + tempBfactor;
var calculatedValue;
calculatedValue = (AvgDO/Denom) * 100;

...keeping in mind that the [index] value is the textbox with the added attribute, the other objects having [index-2] or [index+1]; depending on their relative location to the indexed object.

Method 2: Directly identifying objects

Using the javascript call for a value within an object:


...one can obtain immediately the value.

The following example shows how this is done (a calculation of Oxygen Saturation based on Salinity and Water Temperature).

Note how the Javascript variables are multiplied by 1 to assure their numeric typing.

function calculateOxyA(obj){ 
        if(document.frmCDE.txtWaterTemp.value*1 < 0.01){
          alert('Make a note in the comments that no water temperature reported for this sample');
          document.frmCDE.txtWaterTemp.value = -1
          if(document.frmCDE.txtAvgDO.value*1 < 0.01){
             var y = document.frmCDE.txtRep1.value*1
             y = y.toDec(2);
            document.frmCDE.txtAvgDO.value = y*1;
             var z =  (0.5*((document.frmCDE.txtRep1.value*1)+(document.frmCDE.txtRep2.value*1)));
             z = z.toDec(2);
             document.frmCDE.txtAvgDO.value = z*1;
          var AvgDO = document.frmCDE.txtAvgDO.value*1
          var T = document.frmCDE.txtWaterTemp.value*1
          T = T*1 + 273.15
          var x = (157570.1/T)*1
          var y = - (66423080/(T*T))*1
          var z = (12438000000/(T*T*T))*1
          var zz = - (862194900000/(T*T*T*T))*1
          var sal = document.frmCDE.txtSalinity.value*1
          var sala =  0.017674 - (10.754/T)*1
          var salb =  (2140.7/(T*T))*1
          var salc = sal*1*((sala*1)+(salb*1))
          var zzz = Math.exp(-139.34411 + x*1 + y*1 + z*1 + zz*1- salc*1);
          var y = (AvgDO*1/zzz*1)*100
          y = y.toDec(2);     [Note: y.toFixed(2); may be equivalent]
         document.frmCDE.txtSat.value = y*1;

...where Math.exp represents the Natural log (e to the power of) and "y.toDec(2)" is a simple Java statement required to convert the variable to a formatted 2 decimal number.


The following code uses hidden textboxes to store JavaScript variables (QueryString) to set the stage to pass on the client side to one of two aspx pages.

The form consist of two textboxes and two option button:

<Script LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript">
       function chng(){
         if (frmWS.r2.checked){            
          frmWS.strURL.value = "Groupsdata.aspx?ChartID=1" 
          frmWS.strURL.value = "WSDataMap.aspx?ChartID=1"

...option buttons...
<p align="center"><i><Font Size="4" color="navy"><input type=radio id="r1" runat="server" onclick="Javascript:chng();">Search by Map 
<input type=radio id="r2" runat="server" onclick="Javascript:chng();">Search by DataGrid</Font></i></p>
...hiddent input textboxes...
<input type="Text" id="txtA" runat="server"  Value="0">
<input type="Text" id="strURL" runat="server" Value="Groupsdata.aspx?ChartID=1">

Another useful routine is to build a URL within the javascript function by passing variables within textboxes or ViewState.

function sF(intF){
  var url = frmWS.strURL.value;
  var index = frmWS.txtV.value;
  url += index;
  navigate(url + '&WID=' +intF);         

which is useful to collect client side data and then redirect the aspx page.

The following routine picks up both values and text from a listbox, along with two variables and redirects the user to new page based on an option button selection:

function getStr(str, strC){
  var s="";
  var r="";
  var opt;
  var el;
    for (var i=0;i<document.Form1.lstCon.length;i++) {
  document.Form1.dteTime.value = document.Form1.ddhr.options[document.Form1.ddhr.selectedIndex].text + ":" + document.Form1.ddmin.options[document.Form1.ddmin.selectedIndex].text;
    el = "ChemDataEntry.aspx?mypage=8&filter=" + document.Form1.txtfilter.value + "&Description=" + str + "&GroupAbbrev=" + strC;
    el = "BacDataEntry.aspx?mypage=8&filter=" + document.Form1.txtfilter.value + "&Description=" + str + "&GroupAbbrev=" + strC;
    el = "BioDataEntry.aspx?mypage=8&filter=" + document.Form1.txtfilter.value + "&Description=" + str + "&GroupAbbrev=" + strC;
    el = "SixParams.aspx?mypage=8&filter=" + document.Form1.txtfilter.value + "&Description=" + str + "&GroupAbbrev=" + strC;

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