1) install tomcat5.5.9-compat package (only if JDK 1.4.x
is used)
2) copy cocoon.war in $tomcat_home/webapps for deploying
3) start Tomcat to unpack cocoon.war (-> ZipException is
thrown during startup process)
4) stop Tomcat
5) replace $tomcat_home\webapps\cocoon\WEB-INF\lib\batik-all-1.5b2.jar with
batik-all-1.5.jar (see Bugzilla bug id 26392)
6) start Tomcat: in case of getting a java.lang.BindException: Change the port
number for HSQLDB (default 9002) in
$tomcat_home\webapps\cocoon\WEB-INF\cocoon.xconf (take care: there are
several occurrences of this port number in the cocoon.xconf file !) and restart Tomcat
Using JDK 1.5.0_03, this works fine.
Using JDK 1.4.2, you have to do the following additional step:
7) Create $TOMCAT_HOME\common\endorsed
Unpack cocoon.war and copy xercesXXX.jar, xalan-XXX.jar,
and the xml-apis.jar from the
$cocoon_home\WEB-INF\lib\ to the new directory created above.
Otherwise, an Exception: [blue]The output format must
have a '{http://xml.apache.org/xalan}content-handler'
property [/blue] is thrown when clicking on some links
on the cocoon start page and subsequent pages
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