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What is OpenUI ?


What is OpenUI ?

by  stillhanginon  Posted    (Edited  )
First time users notice right away that they are limited as to how they can change the way their store looks and feels.
Darren Ehlers developed a way for modules to cooperate together, even modules from different developers. It provides a way for modules to externally hook into the Miva user interface without directly modifying the UI script.
OpenUI currently costs about $80 and some of the hosting companies are offering OpenUI free as part of their e-commerce hosting package.
After you've installed OpenUI you will have a lot more control in the design of your store. There are also hundreds of 3rd party modules that you can add that allows you to change the way Miva looks and feels.
Here is a site that has a great list: http://www.jmhonline.net/mivamerchantmodules/
Some of the modules are free, others cost $10 and up. Modules are really easy to install, most come with instructions.
Good Luck and Have Fun.
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