a couple of things you must confirm,
(if doing from Scratch)
1. what numbers you want to dial,
Go into LD 18, Req: new or CHG to change Existing
Type SSC (for system Speed Call List)
LSNO (this is the list #)
NCOS (network Class of Service) recommend something that allows dialing within your list,
DNSZ, the default is 16, the max is 31, Minimum is 4
WRT (yes/NO) Yes tells it to create the List, No aborts
STOR 0 91800xxxyyyy for the First
WRT (Yes/No)
you will be prompted again with stor where you would put in the next Number,(stor 1 9 1877xxxyyyy) or hit Enter to go back to the Inital menu,
2. Determine what Your SPRE Code is, This is usually found in LD 15 the FTR_Data Block,
3. Allow Access to that Speed Call List in LD 10
TYPE is 500
ECHG is yes
Item type in "FTR SSU XX" where XX is you Speed Call Listing you Created hit Enter till you are back at REQ, repeat for each phone you want to have access to the List.
to Verify go to phone and Dial the SPRE as listed in LD 15, followed by 73 then your code for instance whatever your SPRE code is followed 7308 for whatever's 8th on the list.
You would need to repeat step 3 for each phone you would need want to have access to the list,
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