[color red]Setting up the US Robotics
56k Modem at 2400bps[/color]
1. Before starting, change dip switches 3 and 8 on the back to the down position.
2. Connect the modem to the PC using a standard modem cable.
3. Start ProComm/Hyperterminal and connect using any speed, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity and the terminal setting to ANSI BBS.
4. After the connection is established, enter ôATö. The modem should return ôOKö.
5. With the desired settings in hand, enter ôATI4ö to display the current modem settings.
6. To change the settings on the top line of commands, type "AT" immediately followed by the desired setting. For example, to change X4 to X1, enter ôATX1ö.
7. To change the middle set of commands (&xx), enter ôAT&xxö. For example, to change &A3 to &A1, enter ôAT&A1ö. All of the changes can be made on one line by continuing the string, i.e. ôAT&A1&B1&U2ö.
8. To change the S register numbers, enter "ATSr=n" where r equals the resister number and s equals the desired value. For example, to change the value in S002 from 043 to 040, enter ôATS2=40ö.
9. Once the settings are correct, they must be transferred to the NVRAM. The NVRAM holds two tables of data, called Y0 and Y1. These tables are used to set up the modem at power up. Either table can be used, but for consistencyÆs sake, use Y0. The setting that tells the modem where to look at power up is located in the first line at the Yx (see #6) setting. To save the settings in Y0, enter ôAT&W0ö.
10. To verify the settings were saved, enter ôATI5ö. This will display the settings in both the Y0 and Y1 NVRAM tables.
11. One last test, power down and then back up the modem. Enter "ATI4" and the settings should reflect the changes.
12. Turn the modem back off, place dip switches 3 and 8 in the up position and switch 4 down.
[color red]Following are the NVRAM settings for running at 2400bps.[/color]
U.S. Robotics 56K FAX EXT Settings...
B0 E1 F1 M1 Q0 V1 X1 Y0
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