Have you ever installed something new, or un-installed something you weren't sure of or made a drastic change to your computer or the registry.
The quickest way to fix it is to restore a previuosly saves version of the registry.
To do so you can do 1 of 2 things:
Number - 1:
- Go into DOS mode with a Start-Up Disk choose option 4 (minimal boot)
- at the DOS prompt type: SCANREG /RESTORE
- restore to 1 or 2 days back
- restart computer when prompted to
Number - 2:
- choose a restore point a day back or use one of the system checkpoints that indicate a major change to the computer
- then press restore and the computer will restart
Hopefully one of these methods will help you with a problem. These methods don't always work but help most of the time.
Do note that System Restore will only work if you have the latest Microsoft Update that fixes the algorithm bug. You can get the fix from Microsoft at:
However you won't be able to use one of the save points if you haven't installed the update. After you install the update then it will erase all previuos save points.
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