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How do I get rid of the login prompt?

Login Prompt

How do I get rid of the login prompt?

by  cdogg  Posted    (Edited  )
[color red]Important: It is a good idea to keep a copy of any file you change or delete in case you don't like the results[/color]

1) Go to Start->Settings->Control Panel. Double-click Network. Double-click "Client For Microsoft Networks". "Log onto Windows NT Domain" should be unchecked. Hit OK if you made a change, otherwise hit cancel. Make sure "Primary Network Logon" says "Windows Login". If you made a change, click OK and reboot when prompted. Otherwise just hit cancel.

[color green]Note:[/color] [color blue]If you made a change in step 1, then rebooting now might do the trick.[/color]

2) Go to Start->Find->Files and Folders. Search for *.pwl on the C: drive. Delete all results.

[color red]Warning:[/color] [color blue]If you are currently logging into Windows by actually typing a password or hitting OK, then your desktop preferences will be lost (screen saver, wallpaper, etc...). Workaround is to locate your personalized folder under C:\Windows\Profiles and copy its contents (files and folders) into the C:\Windows directory.[/color]

3) Go to C:\Windows and open up system.ini in Notepad. Remove any lines only under the section entitled [Password Lists]. Close and save changes.

4) Go to Start->Settings->Control Panel. Double-click Passwords. Go to the User Profiles tab. Make sure "All users share the same preferences..." is selected. Hit OK.

5) Empty the recycle bin and reboot.

6) It may ask you for a username and password one last time. Just be sure to leave the password field empty and hit OK. It should then warn you that a password will not be stored. Just OK it and you'll never see this prompt again!


If the above suggestions don't work, try this last one:

Enter your registry by going to Start -> Run and typing regedit. Look for the following key and delete it if it exists:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Network \ Real Mode Net \ AutoLogon

[color red]Note:[/color] [color blue]Take extra care whenever editing your registry. It's always a good idea to back it up before making any changes.[/color]

Still didn't work? Post in the forum!! [pipe]

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