The [color #204A87]DatePart[/color] does not calculate weeknumbers correctly in some cases.
The formula [color #204A87]DatePart[/color]('ww',cdate(2005,1,1),2,2) ought to return 53 - it returns 9363!!
A := [color #204A87]Weekday[/color](InputDate);
B := [color #204A87]Year[/color](InputDate + ((8 - A) [color #204A87]Mod[/color] 7) - 3);
C := [color #204A87]cdate[/color](B, 1, 1);
D := ([color #204A87]Weekday[/color](C) + 1) [color #204A87]Mod[/color] 7 - 3;
(InputDate - C + D) \ 7 + 1
Below is the formula with comments:[color #4E9A06][/color]
[Color Blue]local dateTimeVar[/Color] InputDate:=DateToComputeWeekNumberOn;
[Color Blue]local[/Color] numbervar A;
[Color Blue]local[/Color] numbervar B;
[Color Blue]local[/Color] datevar C;
[Color Blue]local[/Color] numbervar D;
A := [Color Blue]Weekday[/Color](InputDate); [Color Green]//Day of week - 1 is sunday, 2 is monday ... 7 is saturday[/Color]
B := [Color Blue]Year([/Color]InputDate + ((8 - A) [Color Blue]Mod[/Color] 7) - 3); [Color Green]//Calculate thursday of current week, return year of this thursday[/Color]
C := [Color Blue]cdate[/Color](B, 1, 1);[Color Green]//January 1st[/Color]
D := ([Color Blue]Weekday[/Color](C) + 1) [Color Blue]Mod[/Color] 7 - 3;[Color Green]//Offset to monday in week 1st[/Color]
(InputDate - C + D) \ 7 + 1 [Color Green]//The Parens is days between monday of week 1 and inputdate[/Color]
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