Use the following formula, replacing the items in Bold with your start/end date and the items in Italics with your holidays........
[color green]//Set the values of Start Date and End Date[/green]
DateVar StartDate := Date(2003,01,01);
DateVar EndDate := Date(2003,12,31);
[color green]//Find out the difference in days and subtract the weekends[/green]
NumberVar DaysDiff := DateDiff("d",StartDate,EndDate) -
DateDiff("ww",StartDate,EndDate,crsaturday) -
[color green]//Create an array of Holiday dates[/green]
Local DateVar Array Holidays := MakeArray( Date(2003,01,01),
[color green]//Loop through the array checking if each holiday is within the dates[/green]
Numbervar Counter := 0;
While UBound(Holidays) <> Counter do
(Counter := Counter + 1;
if Not(dayofweek(Holidays[Counter]) in [1,7]) and
Holidays[Counter] in StartDate to EndDate then DaysDiff := DaysDiff -1;
[color green]//Display result to 0 decimal places and no thousand separator[/green]
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