This formula converts the numbers to text so that the decimal places can be trimmed of without being rounded up. It works perfectly for people up to 99 years 11 months of age (could be modified to go higher)
numbervar var_totalmonths := DateDiff "m",{table.Date of Birth},{table.Target Date});
stringvar var_remainingmonths := Totext(var_totalmonths mod 12);
stringvar var_years := ToText(var_totalmonths/12);
stringvar var_yearstrimmed := If Length (var_years) = 5 Then (Left(var_years,2)) Else (Left(var_years,1));
stringvar var_remainingmonthstrimmed := If Length (var_remainingmonths) = 5 Then (Left(var_remainingmonths,2)) Else (Left(var_remainingmonths,1));
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