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How to capture sounds into a wave file- a primer

Managed DirectSound

How to capture sounds into a wave file- a primer

by  fiaery  Posted    (Edited  )
With Managed DirectSound its relatively easy, but unfortunately Microsoft does not keep up with its documentation on MSDN before releasing its products so its a nightmare trying to figure out what they want. A simple implementation is as follows; I have managed to implement the wave file on my own, rather than going thru winmm.dll, still has some bugs but will help you understand audio capturing alot faster. you may want to download the SDK and try looking at the code samples, they have better coding there; this one i came up by myself- wanted to use BinaryWriter to write to the filestream but had some problems with the formatting. The SDK sample used binarywriter and made things alot simpler:

* Class Name: SoundRec
* Purpose: Primitive Sound Capture Class for Managed DirectX 9.0 C#.Net
* Description: This Class uses the CaptureBuffer Class
* to capture sounds from the default system device
* and saves it in the file name test.wav. You will need
* to modifify it for your purposes. Hope anyone who uses
* This class can have an easier time learning how to use
* M.DirectX.DirectSound than I did! Have Fun!!
* You may not: Alter any part of this comment, however you may add
* on new comments if you have improved on it.
* Original Author: Nicholas Wong (Jan 2004)
* email: fiaery2@hotmail.com
using System;
using Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Buffer = Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Buffer;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;

namespace DirectSoundRecording
/// <summary>
/// Class used to handle the sound capture qualities of the program
/// </summary>
public class SoundRec
private Capture MyCapture = new Capture();
private CaptureBuffer MySndBuf;
/// <summary>
/// Sets a default format capture buffer with no effects; 22KHz 8bit/sample, mono
/// </summary>
public SoundRec()
CaptureBufferDescription MySBufDesc =
new CaptureBufferDescription();
//setting the default wave capture format for use
//by the buffer descriptor
WaveFormat DefaultFormat = new WaveFormat();
DefaultFormat.SamplesPerSecond = 22000; //default freq 22khz
DefaultFormat.Channels = 1;
DefaultFormat.BitsPerSample = 8;
DefaultFormat.AverageBytesPerSecond = 22000;
DefaultFormat.BlockAlign = 1;

//setting the buffer descriptor to tell the capture buffer object how the
//buffer should perform
MySBufDesc.Format = DefaultFormat;
MySBufDesc.BufferBytes = 100000;
MySBufDesc.ControlEffects = false;
MySBufDesc.WaveMapped = true;

MySndBuf = new CaptureBuffer(MySBufDesc,MyCapture);

/// <summary>
/// Constructor that sets format and buffersize, as well as enables
/// echo cancellation and noise suppression effects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="MyFormat"></param>
/// <param name="bufsize"></param>
public SoundRec(WaveFormat MyFormat, int bufsize)
CaptureBufferDescription MySBufDesc = new CaptureBufferDescription();
//Format has been defined in MainForm
MySBufDesc.Format = MyFormat;
MySBufDesc.BufferBytes = bufsize;
MySBufDesc.ControlEffects = true;
MySBufDesc.WaveMapped = true;

// CaptureAcousticEchoCancellationEffect AECEffect;
// MySBufDesc.CaptureEffectDescription = new CaptureEffectDescription[1];
// MySBufDesc.CaptureEffectDescription[0].LocateInSoftware = true;
// MySBufDesc.CaptureEffectDescription[0].GuidEffectsClass = DSoundHelper.CaptureEffectsMsAcousticEchoCancellation;
// MySBufDesc.CaptureEffectDescription[0].GuidEffectsInstance = DSoundHelper.InterfaceCaptureEffectsAcousticEchoCancellation;
// MySBufDesc.CaptureEffectDescription[1].LocateInSoftware = true;
// MySBufDesc.CaptureEffectDescription[1].GuidEffectsClass = DSoundHelper.CaptureEffectsMsNoiseSuppression;

//Create the CaptureBuffer
MySndBuf = new CaptureBuffer(MySBufDesc,MyCapture);
catch (SoundException se)
MessageBox.Show( "There is a " + se.ErrorString +
" sound exception", "DirectSound Error");
/// <summary>
/// Starts the capture from the capture device
/// </summary>
public void StartRecord()

/// <summary>
/// Stops the recording of sound.
/// </summary>
public void StopRecord()

/// <summary>
/// Saves the data in the capture buffer into a wave file
/// </summary>
public void ReadData()
int readposition, writeposition;
ArrayList byteArrayList = new ArrayList();
System.Text.ASCIIEncoding ascii = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();

//Create a new wav file to store the capture buffer data.
//if already exists will overwrite filename is test.wav
string path =Application.StartupPath + "\\test.wav";
Stream MemStream = new MemoryStream();
MySndBuf.GetCurrentPosition(out writeposition, out readposition);
MySndBuf.Read(0, MemStream, writeposition, LockFlag.None);
Stream MyStream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create);
//begin to write the wave file header. for more details
//Search google.com for "wave formats"
//RIFF header

byteArrayList.AddRange( ToBytes(36 + (int)MemStream.Length, 4));

//fmt chunk
byteArrayList.AddRange(ascii.GetBytes("fmt "));
//length of fmt chunk (never changes)
byteArrayList.AddRange( ToBytes(16, 4));
//"1" for pcm encoding
byteArrayList.AddRange( ToBytes(1, 2));
byteArrayList.AddRange( ToBytes(MySndBuf.Format.Channels, 2));
byteArrayList.AddRange( ToBytes(MySndBuf.Format.SamplesPerSecond, 4));
byteArrayList.AddRange( ToBytes(MySndBuf.Format.AverageBytesPerSecond, 4));
byteArrayList.AddRange( ToBytes(MySndBuf.Format.BlockAlign, 2));
byteArrayList.AddRange( ToBytes(MySndBuf.Format.BitsPerSample, 2));

//the data chunk
byteArrayList.AddRange( ToBytes((int)MemStream.Length, 4));
byte []buffer = new byte[MemStream.Length];
MemStream.Read(buffer, 0, (int)MemStream.Length);
buffer = new byte[byteArrayList.Count];
MyStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
catch(ArgumentException ae)
MessageBox.Show("Argument Exception with Message:\n\t" + ae.Message);


/// <summary>
/// returns capture status (boolean)
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool Capturing()
return MySndBuf.Capturing;

/// <summary>
/// Recursive method that returns a target number in the form
/// of an ArrayList of bytes with designated number of bytes. If not enough
/// bytes to hold the targetnumber, will throw argumentexception.
/// Should be used in a try-catch clause
/// </summary>
/// <param name="targetnumber">the value intended to convert</param>
/// <param name="numofbytes">number of bytes needed</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private ArrayList ToBytes(int targetnumber, short numofbytes)
int remainder, result;
ArrayList returningarray;

ArgumentException wrongnumofbytes =
new ArgumentException("Not enough bytes to represent number",
result = Math.DivRem(targetnumber, 256, out remainder);

//if not enough bytes specified to represent target number
if (targetnumber >= Math.Pow(256,(double)numofbytes))
throw wrongnumofbytes;

//if there are higher significant hexadecima, run a recursion
if (result >= 1)
returningarray = ToBytes(result, (short)(numofbytes-1));
returningarray.Insert(0, Convert.ToByte(remainder));
return returningarray;

else //if (result < 1) recursion terminating condition
returningarray = new ArrayList(numofbytes);
for (int i=0; i < numofbytes-1; i++)
returningarray.Add(Convert.ToByte(0));//fill up most significant hexadecima with 0's
return returningarray;
}//end class

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