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How can I create a New Outlook Folder in Code

Outlook VBA

How can I create a New Outlook Folder in Code

by  Chance1234  Posted    (Edited  )
Public Sub psubSetUpFoldersInOutlook()
Dim oloUtlook As Outlook.Application
Dim ns As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim itm As Object

On Error Resume Next

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Set oloUtlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set ns = oloUtlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set itm = ns.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)

itm.Folders.Add ("Name of Folder You want To add")

Set oloUtlook = Nothing
Set ns = Nothing
Set itm = Nothing

MsgBox "Outlook Set Up Succesfully"

End Sub

Remember to reference the outlook object if you are using this code from a different application.
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