Here's how. Put these in the general declarations section of a module
Private m_iSortCol As Integer
Private m_iSortType As Integer
Private WithEvents msflexgrid2 As MSFlexGrid
Now onto the module itself
Private Sub msflexgrid2_dblclick()
On Error GoTo err_handler
' code in grid's DblClick event enables column sorting
Dim i As Integer
' sort only when a fixed row is clicked
If msflexgrid2.MouseRow >= msflexgrid2.FixedRows Then
Exit Sub
End If
i = m_iSortCol ' save old column
m_iSortCol = msflexgrid2.MouseCol ' set new column
' increment sort type
If i <> m_iSortCol Then
' if clicking on a new column, start with ascending sort
m_iSortType = 1
' if clicking on the same column, toggle between ascending and descending sort
m_iSortType = m_iSortType + 1
If m_iSortType = 3 Then m_iSortType = 1
End If
With msflexgrid2
.Redraw = False
.Row = 1
.RowSel = .Rows - 1
.col = m_iSortCol
.Sort = m_iSortType
.Redraw = True
End With
Exit Sub
MsgBox _
"An unexpected error has been detected" & Chr(13) & _
"Description is: " & Err.Number & " , " & Err.Description & Chr(13) & _
"Module is: userform5.msflexgrid2_dblclick" & Chr(13) & _
"Please note the above details before contacting support", , " Unexpected Error"
Resume endit
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