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Password Character InputBox (hiding text in a vba inputbox)

VBA How To

Password Character InputBox (hiding text in a vba inputbox)

by  Chattin  Posted    (Edited  )
Following on from this thread: thread707-732179 the excellent code below was written by Daniel Klann and is sourced from the following link. It masks a password in an xl inputbox: http://www.danielklann.com/excel/hiding_text_in_a_vba_inputbox.htm

Thought this would be a very useful FAQ - to give credit to Dan: dan@danielklann.com

Option Explicit
'Password masked inputbox
'Allows you to hide characters entered in a VBA Inputbox.
'Code written by Daniel Klann
'March 2003

'API functions to be used
Private Declare Function CallNextHookEx Lib "user32" (ByVal hHook As Long, _
ByVal ncode As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long

Private Declare Function GetModuleHandle Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetModuleHandleA" (ByVal lpModuleName As String) As Long

Private Declare Function SetWindowsHookEx Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowsHookExA" _
(ByVal idHook As Long, ByVal lpfn As Long, ByVal hmod As Long, _
ByVal dwThreadId As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function UnhookWindowsHookEx Lib "user32" (ByVal hHook As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function SendDlgItemMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendDlgItemMessageA" _
(ByVal hDlg As Long, ByVal nIDDlgItem As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, _
ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function GetClassName Lib "user32" Alias "GetClassNameA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, _
ByVal lpClassName As String, _
ByVal nMaxCount As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function GetCurrentThreadId Lib "kernel32" () As Long

'Constants to be used in our API functions
Private Const WH_CBT = 5
Private Const HCBT_ACTIVATE = 5
Private Const HC_ACTION = 0

Private hHook As Long

Public Function NewProc(ByVal lngCode As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
Dim RetVal
Dim strClassName As String, lngBuffer As Long

If lngCode < HC_ACTION Then
NewProc = CallNextHookEx(hHook, lngCode, wParam, lParam)
Exit Function
End If

strClassName = String$(256, " ")
lngBuffer = 255

If lngCode = HCBT_ACTIVATE Then 'A window has been activated

RetVal = GetClassName(wParam, strClassName, lngBuffer)

If Left$(strClassName, RetVal) = "#32770" Then 'Class name of the Inputbox

'This changes the edit control so that it display the password character *.
'You can change the Asc("*") as you please.
SendDlgItemMessage wParam, &H1324, EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR, Asc("*"), &H0
End If

End If

'This line will ensure that any other hooks that may be in place are
'called correctly.
CallNextHookEx hHook, lngCode, wParam, lParam

End Function

Public Function InputBoxDK(Prompt, Optional Title, Optional Default, Optional XPos, _
Optional YPos, Optional HelpFile, Optional Context) As String
Dim lngModHwnd As Long, lngThreadID As Long

lngThreadID = GetCurrentThreadId
lngModHwnd = GetModuleHandle(vbNullString)

hHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_CBT, AddressOf NewProc, lngModHwnd, lngThreadID)

InputBoxDK = InputBox(Prompt, Title, Default, XPos, YPos, HelpFile, Context)
UnhookWindowsHookEx hHook

End Function
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